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Thoughts on the Ovation Elite T series?


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I played one in the store the other day and it seemed very... "un-Ovation" like. It had punch, had a weird contoured back that didn't slide off my leg while I was playing it, and the preamp sounded incredible.


What's the word on the Elite T series? I'm sort of eyeing a Model 2078 TX. How do the shallower ones sound?



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I like Ovations, I have a 1778 Elite LX. I would say that the Elite-T is probably very nice. I believe that you will lose some projection as you decrease the volume of the body, you won't lose tone. If punch is the strength of attack, you won't lose that, either. These guitars have been used by DiMeola and McLaughlin for quite a while and thier styles depend on tone and punch and clarity of timbre. These guitars are great plugged in. Of course, play before you buy, or buy with a return policy. Guitars are individuals.

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You do (in most cases) sacrifice some bottom in the shallow-bodied Ovations when played unplugged (which is actually kinda handy when recording rhythm guitar tracks, as the narrower bandwidth doesn't get in the way of the bass), but plugged-in, you'll lose nothing if the amp or PA is of decent quality...great electronics.


Use to gig w/ a couple of Glen Campbells (a 6 and a 12-string) and they were always easy to dial in a great tone...sometimes the sound-person would mic 'em as well as run 'em direct, sometimes just direct, but always a great tone.

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