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Silver Creek T-XXX truss rod dual action?


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When I was adjusting my T-170 truss rod I wanted to back it all the way out and throw on a dab of lithium grease but it wouldn't come off, it just tightened up.


I adjusted it properly and have been playing it without anymore thought about it but now I have a minute so I want to throw it out there; double action? I did a search and other report the same about theirs.:confused:

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Yes, it's a double action truss rod.


Personally, I wouldn't worry about putting lithium grease on the truss rod. You will never need to turn it much and you don't need to worry about the threads rusting or getting gunked up.

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No owners manual or online info, they don't even have a website.

I read that it was the thing to do in "Dan E's" book and figured it wouldn't hurt while I was tunin' and such.

These seem to be quite a value, I'll probably spring for some bling tuning machines for them. Maybe some custom brigde pins with the heads carved into little skulls.:eek:

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I've considered upgrading tuners, but nice tuners cost nearly as much as the guitar! I just can't do it. Maybe when the original tuners crap out.


But definitely get rid of the cheap-ass pickguards they use. I think they're made out of micarta or something. Take 'em off before you get a tan line.

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I've considered upgrading tuners, but nice tuners cost nearly as much as the guitar! I just can't do it. Maybe when the original tuners crap out.

But definitely get rid of the cheap-ass pickguards they use. I think they're made out of micarta or something. Take 'em off before you get a tan line.

I'm considering something like these, I have to measure the tuners on the guitar and then find some that match:

Hey, just because we got them cheap doesn't mean they're not worth it.:thu:

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I'd upgrade to vintage open-backs:


Check my sig for others that sort-of fit.

Admittedly nicer tuners but I have this overwhelming desire for those ivoroid knobs.:idk:

Maybe I'll change my mind when the time comes. I'm backed up on projects so I'll have plenty of time to think about it.

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I believe that truss rods are fixed at one end inside the neck. They are not supposed to come out.

Yes, correct. You can remove the adjustment screw on most though.

They can get rusty and hard to turn according to the "fix it" books although I've yet to run into one that was. When I'm changing strings I usually try to take them out and put a dab of grease on the threads in the hopes of preventing it.

It probably only becomes problematic on very old guitars, but, I do it because it only takes a few minutes and I have this HUGE tube of grease to use up.;)

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