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FB and twitter a complete Waste of time...


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Just popping my head in here. I used to be a project manager at a small biz that did web marketing, including social media work. I really kinda don't like it, and if someone offers to sell you FB managed marketing, run!

But my next door neighbor does all the promotions and booking for Luckenbach.

One tool (of the many) is her FB and twitter feed that she uses from promo. She has 65,000 folks. According to her, it is very, very effective for keeping folks engaged with their venue, but she's pretty selective with her ppc marketing and feels that her 65K folks are more engaged than the 120K that like Gruene Hall (one of their competitors).

Now, that is way different than most of you guys situation: for the same reason that Luchenback does well to buy billboard and radio, it is pointless for bands to do same. But still, it is very possible to do some legit marketing for bands through these social channels.

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Now, that is way different than most of you guys situation: for the same reason that Luchenback does well to buy billboard and radio, it is pointless for bands to do same.


true, never really got http://www.ssrfanatic.com/forum/attachments/f6/81889-ok-its-story-telling-time-angelyne.jpg anywhere... ;)


Honestly, the entire 'social media thing' strikes me as ether a passing fad (look how quickly the big media monster MySpace came and went...) or a media outlet still fumbling in the dark to find its true place in the world... and like any media based outlet, immediately the idea of using it for advertising pops up first. I don't think social media should be used for promotional purposes, at least in the commercialized sense...it tends to start to smell like..anti-social media...;)

Oh, I see the point, it is the unexplored nether region, the new frontier, but is it really? The public is nothing if not fickle...a few more revealing slips like FB putting out personal phone numbers, etc., and the plug will be pulled out of the tub, and it will drain. MySpace...FB...Google whatever...meh...just MHO, of course.

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well, golly gee, jenna, aren't we all just the biggest bunch of rubes you ever did see?
I'm certain your vast knowledge in marketing indepenent bands using these social sites will just floor us...but I have yet to have found any instance of a successful ad campaign being launched on FB or Twitter...please show me ... I am here to be molded by your superior knowledge.


This guy and his partner have used social media (FB, Twitter and Youtube) to launch a fairly successful music career... 100,000 downloads per year, national TV commercials, and more. I admit that it is the exception rather than the rule, and it takes a lot of commitment and time to make it work.


regards, Jack

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I generally agree. Email List + personal website is about the only way to go if you're primarily keeping in touch through internet. Facebook, twitter, etc. are still necessary to keep though for the fringe people. People who will look at you if you have a certain amount of "likes" or "followers" .. shallow, but true. and even then you'll be guaranteed about 20 seconds of scrolling through you're stream. Sad world..

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"Oh, I see the point, it is the unexplored nether region, the new frontier, but is it really?"

Well, maybe I over think this stuff (it is a big part of my job and all), but I have a different take.

Consider what google marketing will look like when, instead of using a spider to crawl and determine relevancy of a website, they do more than just look at in-bound links (which is why folks spam HC with unrelated products); they use the +1 or number of likes or whatever browsers such as chrome are reporting back to determine relevancy of information.

My belief is that there are a number of largish companies who would like to be (and to a great degree are) able to determine the relevancy of information not based on the content, but rather on how it flows through social media channels. This is an important shift, and it is a very new model compared to, say, keyword analysis-- this shift is why marketing people are so engaged with the idea, even if a lot of them are shysters who are shilling crappy marketing.

Topically, "social media" has very little to do with the specifics of end users (even the ability of individual marketers to use it as a channel) and much more to do with being able to get a top-down view of how information is coded.

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