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anybody agree with this guy?


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Originally posted by docjeff

The point is this.

Don't complain about how expensive U.S. made guitars are when you have $4500 worth of asian guitars.

Because if you possessed the self control to save your money instead of buying some cheap ass piece of firewood everytime you come upon $100, you could afford the best U.S. made guitars and amps on the market.

That's all I was saying.



I don't complain that US guitars are too expensive, to me they are not worth 4 to 5 times more than a lower cost import.


With what I have spent on my nine guitars I could have bought two expensive ones. I prefer to have nine good ones oppsed to two great ones.

I make ok money but I have a mortgage and a 5 year old so I only have so much for the luxury budget.


I owned all the high priced Gibsons and Fenders before and they really are no better than what I have now.

Back in the '70's a cheap guitar was firewood. Todays cheap guitars are much better instruments and with the aftermarket that's available now they can be made into great instruments if you know what to replace.


If I can buy a guitar for $400, add $150 in parts and have something that (for me) equals a $1500 guitar, I'll do it everytime.

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Originally posted by batotman

Yeah me again....

I can afford expensive USA guitars I just choose not to. I haven't found really any that live up to my expectations and I have a certain aversion to ripping out the pickups of a $2000 guitar to put SD's in. I don't notice a whole lot of differences other than cosmetic issues like true maple tops and the like. I can play and sound just as well on a $500 Tokai than I can a $2000 Gibson. American guitars really seem overpriced to me and I don't adhere to the old adage that you get what you pay for. I feel that once you hit a certain price point that improvements are minute at best and the bang for buck takes a drastic drop off.





I wanted a Strat (budget not an issue) and tried about 20. In the end I bought a MIK strat style (a Burns) not because it was cheaper, but because it was better than all the MIA Strats I tried. It was half the price, but more importantly to me played better, sounded better and was finished better.

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Originally posted by docjeff

I had a good time reading this:-) Here's my lame contribution.

"Hello. My name is jimifan and I live in a small rural state in the U.S. I have 19 electric guitars, 6 acoustics, an acoustic amp and an electric amp. All of them are imported budget instruments costing no more than $200. I probably payed about $150 on average for each guitar and amp in my collection. My new MIM brownout strat just arrived. What a great deal. I guess that makes 20 guitars in my collection. I can't beleive people actually pay $2,000 for a guitar. It's crazy. If I had $2,000 to spend, I would buy a car. Gibson has a lot of nerve charging $2,000 for their guitars. I mean, really! Who has that kind of money these days? Can someone show me where that MF coupon is? I'm thinking about getting a blackout Jagmaster."



I haven't been around here that long (but long enough to see a few Agile vs Gibson wars), and I don't recall anyone matching your description. Granted, I don't follow the forum all that closely, but I'd say that if I don't know which members you're talking about then there probably aren't that many of them. So I'm not saying that they don't exist, just that they must be few...in fact few enough (I'd venture) to not even deserve mention, and certainly few enough that the "corksniffers" (to borrow a term) are wasting their time preaching to them.


I'm definitely not saying that there aren't any aisan-guitar owners around here (2 MIKs and 1 MIC for me!). Just that I haven't seen them spending that much money on guitars and implying that they would buy US guitars if they were affordable (many seem to think that the quality of some US guitars is not much different from foreign-made ones and so aren't motivated to buy US).

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Originally posted by docjeff

The point is this.

Don't complain about how expensive U.S. made guitars are when you have $4500 worth of asian guitars.

Because if you possessed the self control to save your money instead of buying some cheap ass piece of firewood everytime you come upon $100, you could afford the best U.S. made guitars and amps on the market.

That's all I was saying.



No, the point is that I get to complain about whateverthehell I WANT to complain about. I can afford (and own) $2K guitars. I can make judgements about musical instruments with my EARS, and not the fact that it does or doesn't have a name on a headstock, or that it does or doesn't have 'Made in the USA' stamped onnit somewhere.


I would much rather have a half-dozen hand-picked, modified imported guitars than 2 "Made in the USA" guitars that may or may not sound as good...


The other point is that import guitars are not specifically built toward a lower quality point... they are built toward a lower PRICE point... sometimes that price is lower not because of lesser quality, but because of lower labor costs, and lower materials costs... and cheaper materials does NOT necessarily mean lower quality - it can, but not always.


Blanket statements about imports' poor quality, about imports being inadequate instruments, or that people should choose 2 MIA guitars over 9 import guitars an opinion, and should not be stated as fact -

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