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Hi, I'm thinking of buying a Line6 POD. I was wondering if there's any particular difference (aside from price) between buying a POD XT Live or a POD with the separate pedal board?


I'm also particularly interested in being able to program and access a bank of effects in a live situation - so I can set different levels/effects for different songs. Can the POD do this, or do I need to look at other multi-effects pedals instead?

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If you are talking about the POD XT and seperate pedal board then there is no difference, I believe. Well, as far as I recall the effects package comes preinstalled on the XT Live.

There are two different types of presets you can save in the XT. There are 128 (after upgrading the firmware to v. 2) spots for saving full presets. Those presets contains info on amp, amp settings, cabinets, mic models and effects. Apart from that, there are also 64 spots for saving effect presets. That is 64 spots for saving just effects settings without any info about amp models, cabinets etc.

Using just the effect presets gives you a powerful feature. The tempo entered in the XT is tied to the full preset and NOT the effect presets. In other words, you can use tap-tempo to set the tempo once for the whole song. When you change to another effect preset during the song the tempo is not reset. This means that time based effects that are tied to the BPM settings will be in time throughout the song.

I don't know how much you can control from the Line 6 floorboard, though. I own the regular POD XT but I'm using Behringer's midi pedal board to control mine. That gives me all the flexibilty that I want. I can program the board to select full presets or just effect presets. I also have one of the pedals designated for tap-tempo.

The down side is the lack of visual feedback on the board itself. The behringer board will only tell you what pedal you pressed last. If you use one pedal to select a preset and then use the tap-tempo pedal, only the light in the tap tempo pedal will be on. The board will not tell you which preset you are using.

I hope I haven't confused you. Ask away if you have any specific questions.

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Thanks, I don't think there's much else I need to know. By the sounds of it the POD will do what I need and there's no difference between buying the XT live and the XT with the pedal board in terms of functionality (aside from the fact that the 'separates' option is more expensive).

Cheers :)

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Originally posted by Knottyhed

Hi, I'm thinking of buying a Line6 POD. I was wondering if there's any particular difference (aside from price) between buying a POD XT Live or a POD with the separate pedal board?

I'm also particularly interested in being able to program and access a bank of effects in a live situation - so I can set different levels/effects for different songs. Can the POD do this, or do I need to look at other multi-effects pedals instead?






there is an older pod, a 2.0 (i think its the same but upgraded), 2.3 "software" you can load in the pod 2.0, and then the xt, xtlive, and xtpro.


the XT/XTlive, and XTPro do sound better all around than the older pods, but the older pods can sound really good so im not saying they are bad. they changed alot of the mic sims and ambience that make the xts sound better. but in all honesty i like the hi-gain marshall setting, the bassman, and 1 or 2 other settings better on the 2.0 than i do on the XT. but if you plan to use hi-gain sounds alot id go for the XT.


i thought that was what you are asking, the difference between the pod and podXT, and they are different units. the newer (XT) has more features than the pod 2.0, as well as different sims. the hi gains kick ass on the XT, but for everything else im perfectly happy with the 2.0 and long floorboard.


now if you were asking the difference between the XT and the XTlive then ThomasH has answered it pretty well

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