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DAW Software for a songwriter

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Hello, I posted this thread before on the Mac OS forum but got no answers, so I guess this might be a better place to post it.


I'm about to buy a MacBook Pro in order to build my songwriting / producing rig. I will add a MOTU Microlite interface and an external FW drive (probably LaCie 160 GB).

I'm still struggling to decide what software to use. My budget for software is around 1K. So what do you suggest>

1- Logic Pro 7.2

2- Live 5 + Reason or Sampletank 2 XL and still some money left ...


My main goal is to be able to produce great soundign demos for my songs, eventually produce my own CD's or even other artists songs.


If I go with option 2, I would also try to move into DP later on, or maybe even Logic too, but much later ... The Microlite includes Audiodesk software, I thought that maybe I could finish all my audio tracks there until I buy DP. But I would use Live for songwriting which is very intuitive and creative.

I'm afraid of the learning curve in Logic .... not sure ... that's what I've heard and read all over the place....


Comments / suggestions will be highly appreciated.



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Logic isn't as hard to get the hang of as many people might lead you to believe. The Environment (an area in Logic where you set up all your routing and MIDI gear) is a bit of a head scratcher for some folks at first due to how flexible and powerful it is, but setting up a basic Environment in Logic is actually pretty easy. IMO, it's a strong contender for "best MIDI sequencer ever", and if you needs include heavy MIDI sequencing along with audio recording, it's a hard program to beat. The fact that it comes with so many useful plug ins and VI's (virtual instruments) bundled with it is another strong argument in favor of going that route IMO.

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Thanks for your reply Phil, good info.


Ken, my songs are mostly pop oriented, I plan to do a lot of midi, using plug ins, and also recording audio directly, mostly vocals and guitars.


Thanks !

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