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Interesting Brian Setzer Article

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Originally posted by aerorockjax

Interesting article about recording his album, Rockabilly Riot Vol. I: A Tribute To Sun Records. Interesting how they decided against using any digital reverb amd used an old civil war water tank as an echo chamber for this album.





***runs off and starts furiously searching ebay for a cival war water tank.

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Cool article - thanks for the link. :thu:


As far as "echo", it really depends on how you're using the term. On a lot of old rockabilly stuff, it was tape echo for slapback delay. If they needed reverb, then that would have been chambers most likely, and the old water tank probably served just fine. Probably sounded a bit metallic though, or so I would imagine.


I like Brian's playing and singing, and I'm looking forward to hearing his new album. Again, thanks for the link - that was a fun read. :cool:

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