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Converting Cubase to Pro Tools?

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My band is looking to record at a studio that uses cubase, but we want to mix at a bigger studio that uses pro tools. Can you record on cubase and then convert it to pro tools for the mix, or would we need to mix in cubase as well?

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Yeah- most engineers just want the tracks bounced (all starting at the same time of course) rather than OMF- it's so tried and true at this point, and at least they know exactly what they're getting.

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Here's an easy way to export your Cubase tracks to individual files (expressed with windows key commands):

Select All (ctrl A)

Range Tool (2 (on the numeric keys at the top of the keyboard))

Select All (crtl A)

Locators To Selection (p)

Bounce (there's no default key command for this, but its in the audio menu)


Substitue the Command key for ctrl on Mac.


When prompted with "Replace Events?", choose "Yes". Look in your Audio folder for that particular project to find your new contiguous audio files.


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I prefer to get the contiguous audio files, with everything starting from the same position. Those can then be loaded into any DAW program.


The downside to this approach is that whatever you might have been using insofar as plug-ins isn't going to make the transition from one program to the other. However, a lot of mix engineers might want to start from scratch with those anyway. However, if you have something special or specific you are using in Cubase that the mix guy doesn't have, then you can always record that to a seperate WAV file and export that too. Make sure you indicate which tracks are "processed" and which are not. They can of course load your saved plug-in presets if they own the same plugs and you remember to save those to a seperate file.

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