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New Guitar, 1 week later


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Ok, I have to apologize for my post a week ago about being upset that my guitar was made in China. I have to take it all back. This thing is great!


Review: Epi Les Paul Classic Plus Goldtop. Mahogany, with what apears to be a Mahogany top as well. It is pretty light. Definitely no maple here, and it doesn't look like alder. The ony cosmetic flaw is gold paint on the binding where the neck meets the body. Wax potted alnico pu's.


It resonates like crazy. It has a much warmer acoustic sound than my MIM Strat or my Daion. Not to mention the sound through my Classic 30. It has a great feel. It is so easy to play. And, I love the neck. It's a 60's neck. I know it's an Epi, but I think I am an LP guy. It is so easy to play. The neck is wider like I prefer (why I didn't buy an Agile).


In conclusion, my last post about this was rediculous. I will still want a Gibby when I can afford one. But, this works for now. I think I am going to sell my other guitars to get an American Strat. I don't like the thinner MIM strat neck, and I don't think I will play my Daion very much anymore.


Herer are some picks:









(This one has stickers, ala my daugher. They have been removed)

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if you really want the Gibson version why not sell all your guitars and just put em towards that instead?


Cuz if youre a TRUE Les Paul man, then you have no business with a strat! Just ask the guys at LPF.com ;)




telecasters are acceptable :p

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Originally posted by Beckman

Ok, I have to apologize for my post a week ago about being upset that my guitar was made in China.

I think I am going to sell my other guitars to get an American Strat. I don't like the thinner MIM strat neck...


So now you hate the Chinese AND the Mexicans?:D

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Originally posted by fanuvbrak

So now you hate the Chinese AND the Mexicans?



Yep. And Europeans, and Africans, and southerners, and east and west coasters, and Aussies, and South Americans, and....



NO. I don't hate anyone. I explained it in my las post. As far as my MIM strat goes, I don't like the neck. And if you believe the factory tour, the neck was made in the USA and finished in Mexico. Go figure.

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I believe it is shocking how quickly the quality has improved on guitars made in China.


The Chinese factories all based their production techniques on Korean manufacturers--many of them are owned by Korean companies. It took decades for the Koreans to achieve the quality they are putting out now. The Chinese have almost caught up to them in a matter of years.

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Originally posted by No Soul

if you really want the Gibson version why not sell all your guitars and just put em towards that instead?

Cuz if youre a TRUE Les Paul man, then you have no business with a strat! Just ask the guys at LPF.com


telecasters are acceptable


I didn't mean exclusively. I like the way a strat sounds, just I prefer the feel of the LP. Plus, I play other peoples music, I think LP's and Strats will cover most of it. If I ever start to make my own music, I like the variety of sound. I will most likely buy a used one anyway. It should cost me more around $650-$700 from what I have seen around. If I bought the LP that I want (and I want a new one), it would cost me over $2K. Plus, If I sold everything, I wouldn't have anything left to play.


I am in sales, and my motivation is to get an the '57 Goldtop Reissue. Plus, I need to get out of debt before I spend over $2k on a guitar. My other motivation for work.

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Originally posted by jjpistols

cool - glad it's working out

I've read good stuff about Daion, but never seen one in person

how are your pajamas?


Thanks! They are being washed.


The Daion is a great guitar. I used it exclusively for 10 years. It looks good, sounds good and plays good. I have toyed with the idea of selling it for several years now. I probably won't. But, I always get GAs from something, and that is the first to go. Well, that and the strat, and the acoustic that I play once a year.





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Originally posted by matt_t

I believe it is shocking how quickly the quality has improved on guitars made in China.

The Chinese factories all based their production techniques on Korean manufacturers--many of them are owned by Korean companies. It took decades for the Koreans to achieve the quality they are putting out now. The Chinese have almost caught up to them in a matter of years.



Yeah, this is the scary thing for american manufacturing. They are good, and work for cheap. They can make cheap crap when called for, but they can make real nice stuff as well. It is crazy. Not just with guitars, but anything. Now they are really focusing on cars.


Oh and to answer another question posted. It does have a Gibby feal, from what I played in stores. It is based on the 60's slim taper necks.

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Cool! Glad it is working out for you. That is a great looking Epi, and I am with you on GASsing for a 57' Goldtop RI w/ P90's.


It is interesting though, my father has been doing a lot of business overseas and he has been telling me for years how industry in China has been picking up. He has been saying how China has the potential to be the next Japan in terms of industry and workforce.

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I'd like to have a Gibson LP Custom because I've wanted one, but never owned one. Had a '52 gold top, but no Custom. Having said that, I was in GC a week or two ago and I played both the Gibson & Epi LP Stds in sunburst. I only played them breifly, but my impression was that they were essentially the same. The Gibson was a tiny bit heavier, which I believe is as a result ofthe Epi's having an alder top, but, other than that, I couldn't find enough of a reason to cough up the extra $2k. I'm not anti Gibson, but if I make the leap, it'll be because I've wanted a Gibson LP, not an Epi, not a Tokai, not a ... Not because it's different from the others.

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Beckman, glad you like it. I like mine better each time I play it. Thanks for turning me on to this deal at MF (I saw your original post about the damaged one, with the PJ's). I see they're no longer available at MF, so I'm glad I jumped on this one. I've played several 60's neck Gibby LP's, and the neck sure feels the same to me. You mention yours is light. Mine weighs in at almost 10lbs. That seems heavy to me. It was built in Korea, so maybe a maple top?. The back looks like Mahogony, but how can you tell what the top is made of, since it's a goldtop?

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