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Smash a guitar...


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It's not hard at all. I broke the neck in two the first smash, and the body ater I picked it up and tossed it. It didn't really come apart though, because the stupid {censored}ing pick gaurd forgot to come off.

I mean, it was only my dad's MIA Strat.

All in all, a great time.
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When asked about Fender guitars, Pete Townshend replied:

"I don't like them. They don't break very easily"

Case in point: make sure you know what your getting into. You might break the neck on the first shot or two, but after that you can't expect much unless you have a hammer or something with you.

A few words of warning:

1) If you start it, you must end it. You will look like a tool if you smash a guitar, but you will look like a dumbass tool if it doesn't break. Also, please don't let it bounce back up and crack YOU in the head.

2) Make sure you don't break the stage/floor/whatever, unless you want to pay some hefty repair fines.

3) Just don't do it. We (my old band) were debating doing this at one of our larger shows, but we decided not to because, well, we realized it would be retarted.

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Originally posted by Ebsy

...I forget which guitar Billie-Jo gave away, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't his Gibby Jr.



On the American Idiot tour, in Detroit, my friend got called up to play guitar on that one song, and got to keep it (I think they do that every show:confused: ) It was just a Squier strat with a humbucker. I don't know if BJ replaced the humbucker in it before he played it (doubt it), but it sounded good at the time. I put a JB in it for my friend a few days later though and it sounded a lot better.


The bass player kid didn't get to keep anything at that show though...

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Originally posted by ruger270man

why not donate it to someone less fortunate, who cant afford a guitar, instead of breaking it?

When I see someone break a guitar, I immediately lose all respect for them.



you'd have to be a complete retard to ruin a piece of equipment for the sake of a couple of second's enjoyment. Everyone'll think you're a dick, don't go ahead with it.

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Originally posted by patrick_fox

you'd have to be a complete retard to ruin a piece of equipment for the sake of a couple of second's enjoyment. Everyone'll think you're a dick, don't go ahead with it.




The one I smashed was doing any beginner or poor person a favour....it was crap.

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As my friend John Hiatt would say ,

Oh it breaks my heart to see those stars
Smashing a perfectly good guitar
I don't know who they think they are
Smashing a perfectly good guitar

Late at night at the end of the road
He wished he still had the old guitar to hold
He'd rock it like a baby in his arms
Never let it come to any harm

I don't know who they are, smashing a perfectly good guitar !

Ya, I seem this thread and had to listen to this song.

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Originally posted by chevette

idk why, but that was like the funniest thing I've heard in a while. I can just see some guy going nuts on stage, hurling his guitar over his head, smashing it into the stage, and then all of a sudden freaking out and yelling "OWW OWW, MY EYE, OH MY EYE!!!"



...the Doctor said not to get guitar chunks in it!



I would think a strat would be harder to break than a set-neck. But a super-cheap set-neck guitar is hard to find. most of the guitars you see smashed are set-neck.



Notta chance. Strats are held together by four screws. Set necks are held together by a glue bond, the area of the pocket-neck contact area, and the bond is stronger than an unglued timber.


There are a lot of vids out there of people trying to break LP's and V's, and just looking like asses in the process. Might as well try to break a Louisville Slugger.

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What's with all this talk of it being ingenuine to plan the smashing?

I guess Kurt Cobain was really just a fake loser...he only took 5 MIM Strats on tour for the exclusive purpose of smashing.

If you write your songs before walking on stage they must also be fake.

My main concern is breaking the floor/stage surface. I've also considered smashing a cheap bust with a guitar but for some screwed up reason its "offensive" to pulverize the likeness of Pope John Paul II...lame.

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Originally posted by LaXu

I don't see a point in smashing guitars. Others have already done it tons of times..hell, even those guys in the youtube "failed guitar spin" videos have done it. Not original in the least so it just makes you look like a Townshend wannabe.



I dare say for the majority of us the originality boat sailed when we decided to play electric guitar lol.

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Originally posted by mmonster

a friend of mine got one of these for his son,and we have both played it and agreed it would be ideal for smashing.


I have a Spider lp copy and would smash it no prob only cost $100.

Haha!:D It says in the auction that no pickup's are allowed for that item:D You're only allowed to play it unplugged.

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You could smash your guitars, but while your at it may as well smash the drumset, than light it on fire, than make a bonfire of instrument peices :D

FYI they don't do this anymore. I posted this on a drummers forum and they all got their panties in a bunch, hehe...
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I think you guys left out one of the best instrument smashes in history!


When it's pre-meditated it's lame. Pete used to smash fenders because they were fixable in the early days. He used to repair them and smash them again. Back then is was a statement. Today it's trite.

It's also funny to watch guys throw them down on the ground when they get done with their set. Then they have to go pick them up when they're done because they don't have people to do them for it.

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I usually find some abandoned acoustics left by college students after the school year is out so I thought here's what I'll do, I'll smash one of 'em!. Wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. And didn't really feel all that great. You have to have something against that guitar, something PERSONAL. Pete Townsend said once to someone who asked why he smashed so many nice guitars. He replied "Some of them needed smashing, mate"





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Originally posted by guitar-fish

I could see smashing up some $99 Agiles...

Yes!!! Pleazzzeee do this. Smash the {censored} out of it, set it on fire and take a pic of the smoldering gumby headstock, then post the picture in this forum. It would make my entire year.

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