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Anyone else think Epiphone should adopt the Elitist headstock for all their models?

Mind Riot

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Dam are you serious? I didn't know it was that expensive. Have you ever bought a guitar from japan before? For some reason i thought i recall somebody saying it was like $30 or $40 dollars to ship but if its $200 i am not sure if i am going to bite at a price that high, highest i want to pay for shipping is $70 or $80 a few years back one of my friends shipped me one of my guitars that i couldn't carry on the plane with me, she shipped it from okinawa japan and the guitar was in a hardshell case, had tons of paper and stuffing in it and i know it didnt' cost her more then $50 to ship. I have a hard time believing shipping has gone up to $200 in only 3 years. But maybe i am wrong or maybe those companies put shipping cost up that high to make more profit.

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it certainly won`t be $30 or $40 , but i doubt it`s gonna be $200 either...just ask them. I`ve sent a lot of guitars to Canada and a couple to America from Japan over the past few years...it never cost me as little as $50.oo, the last time it cost me about $120.oo but that was a 2005 Christmas present. If you send a mail Monday is a national holiday so it may take an extra day to get a reply.

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Originally posted by Mind Riot

I personally have never cared for the standard Epiphone 3x3 headstock. The Elitist headstock, while not as cool looking as a Gibson, is a step in the right direction. Anybody else think Epiphone should ditch their old headstock design and start using the Elitist headstock on all their 3x3 tunered guitars?



I agree 100%. I've always hated Epiphone's headstock designs, but the Elitists' do look pretty cool.

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Originally posted by zenbu

it certainly won`t be $30 or $40 , but i doubt it`s gonna be $200 either...just ask them. I`ve sent a lot of guitars to Canada and a couple to America from Japan over the past few years...it never cost me as little as $50.oo, the last time it cost me about $120.oo but that was a 2005 Christmas present. If you send a mail Monday is a national holiday so it may take an extra day to get a reply.



thanks i just found out shipping going to be 118

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Originally posted by Ebsy

Edward, the new Epiphone Japan Limited line does just that.


Yeah, I gather they do that in Japan - looks great! I like the regular Epi stock too, myself, but it does look better on some guitars (SGs particularly) than others. Those are only for the Japanese market, though, aren't they, where folks really palce a very high premium on US made stuff - si i gather anyhow - and so it's not the 'threat' that an "accurate" epi might be in, say, the UK?

I personally prefer the Casino headstock to the regular epi headstock, it's sort of a half-way house between epi and Gibson.



I much prefer that stock on a Semi to the Gibson stock. not sure how it would look on a smaller bodied guitar like an SG though...

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Originally posted by powderfinger

No, they should not adapt that headstock across the line. It separates their top of the line product from the lesser stuff.

Keeping them different eliminates or minimizes fraudulent sales and shows you have the superior guitar, and lets face it, we all want to say "Mine's better!":cool:



See, i can see fear of fraud, but surely if they're gonig to expect folks to pay what they do for the top end stuff, they could put the effort into making the difference in quality stunningly obvious in some way other than by differening the design???

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I like the Elitist headstock better just on pure looks but it really doesn't make that much difference.

I'm kinda suprised at how many people would here are saying they'd buy an Epi if it had a Gibson headstock but won't buy one with the Epi headstock.

Why does that even matter? If the guitar plays & soundsgood and it's priced right, then that's what matters.


Gibson won't lose any sales to Epi if they share the same headstock. People who can afford them will still buy Gibsons.

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Originally posted by pete n.

I like the Elitist headstock better just on pure looks but it really doesn't make that much difference.

I'm kinda suprised at how many people would here are saying they'd buy an Epi if it had a Gibson headstock but won't buy one with the Epi headstock.

Why does that even matter? If the guitar plays & soundsgood and it's priced right, then that's what matters.

Gibson won't lose any sales to Epi if they share the same headstock. People who can afford them will still buy Gibsons.



Only legit reason I can see is fear of them being used to make frauds. Whether they will lose sales.... not lose from Gibson, but gain probably from the copy lines some folks buy over Epi because the headstocks are closer (just about any other copy brand going in the UK!).... I suspect the canned the Elitists (if this has been confirmed) as they might have been too much a threat to the big profit making US units - unless folks just didn't buy them because they had the "wrong" headstock and "wrong" logo - wouldn't surprise me if a lot of folks bought a low end Gibson instead purely on the notion that it was a "real" Gibson.

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