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Funny/Ironic GAS Story - Is There No Cure?


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Originally posted by garyfanclub

the cure to GAS is to play the {censored}ing 250000 guitars you have.



That's common logical response 101. But they are separate things.


I feel free to admit that my GAS passion is even greater than my playing passion.




You've got a catalog of the world's Supermodels. You can collect them all and do "YOUR thing with them". The pleasure of their beauty and sensualty puts you in bliss. You can collect 50 or so and rotate them through your bed.


Do you stop collecting them to deepen your relationship with women? That wouldn't be an addiction syndrome, would it?


[No misogyny intended in the preceding metaphor]

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Originally posted by GAS Man

That's common logical response 101. But they are separate things.

I feel free to admit that my GAS passion is even greater than my playing passion.


You've got a catalog of the world's Supermodels. You can collect them all and do "YOUR thing with them". The pleasure of their beauty and sensualty puts you in bliss. You can collect 50 or so and rotate them through your bed.

Do you stop collecting them to deepen your relationship with women? That wouldn't be an addiction syndrome, would it?

[No misogyny intended in the preceding metaphor]






Well, OK. I'd say that you'll never get passed the superficial level with that sort of mentality, you'll have all these pretty things, and outside of being asthetically pleasing, they'll mean very little.


The cure to GAS is to sit down, have a beer with your buds, and write a few songs. Stop fussing about your tone, how you'd be able to get your dream-tone with a new telecastersuperdeluxe'68reissue, or how you're going to sneak another Gibson R8 into the house without your wife knowing and make some fricken music.


After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true. -Mr. Spock

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Originally posted by garyfanclub

Well, OK. I'd say that you'll never get passed the superficial level with that sort of mentality, you'll have all these pretty things, and outside of being asthetically pleasing, they'll mean very little.

After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.
-Mr. Spock

Not totally superficial. I love each one like my children. In fact since my beloved Labrador Retriever "Henry" died, I've experienced even more transferrence of affecton to the guitar.

But yes sir. I'll get a yellow tab and start writing. :(

I do love to play, obviously, and my early realization with GAS is it actually contributes to keeping me playing. One sorta feeds the other.

One strat could easily be put in a closet and forgotten.

I've decided my next hobby is going to be "cabinet building".

Yeah, that's the ticket! :idea:

GUITAR cabinet building!

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dude if having as many guitars as you are years old is the problem then youre just looking at it all wrong.

#1 you WILL be gettting older so go ahead keep buying!

#2 if you have already reached your max # then just know that you are buying AHEAD. I mean after all when youre 92 will you REALLY have the disposable income in order to order your 93rd guitar?

i think not. therefore you buy the axe today, make all youre mods or whatever changes you need, and then you are PROTECTED gainast massive income reduction that we all call retirement!

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You sir, are a funny guy :)

Originally posted by mindwave

dude if having as many guitars as you are years old is the problem then youre just looking at it all wrong.

#1 you WILL be gettting older so go ahead keep buying!

#2 if you have already reached your max # then just know that you are buying AHEAD. I mean after all when youre 92 will you REALLY have the disposable income in order to order your 93rd guitar?

i think not. therefore you buy the axe today, make all youre mods or whatever changes you need, and then you are PROTECTED gainast massive income reduction that we all call retirement!

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I have a problem that once I buy something.... it makes me buy other stuff to go with it.

I bought a Roland GP-8 once. Then I immediately bought a rack case, rack tuner, 31 band eq, and power conditioner so I could rack it up.

Last weekend I bought an Alpine White Les Paul Custom that totally rocks!!!!

Now I'm a Les Paul freak all the sudden and I ordered a Wine Red LP Custom AND a Gold Top LP with P90s to go with it cause I can't have just one Les Paul.

They are arriving tomorrow and I'm psyched!! :thu:

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Holy smokes, you don't waste time :)

Originally posted by dcooper830

I have a problem that once I buy something.... it makes me buy other stuff to go with it.

I bought a Roland GP-8 once. Then I immediately bought a rack case, rack tuner, 31 band eq, and power conditioner so I could rack it up.

Last weekend I bought an Alpine White Les Paul Custom that totally rocks!!!!

Now I'm a Les Paul freak all the sudden and I ordered a Wine Red LP Custom AND a Gold Top LP with P90s to go with it cause I can't have just one Les Paul.

They are arriving tomorrow and I'm psyched!!

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Originally posted by dcooper830

Well..... I used to spend all my $$$ on alcohol and drugs.

Now, having been clean and sober for nearly 4 years..... I find myself spending $$$ on cool gear. Much better!!!

It is much more satisfying than alcohol and drugs ever were.

I had a couple "lounge lizard" periods of life, 90-92 when I was going through a divorce, and 97-99 when I broke up with my live-in girlfriend. During that period I must have been keeping at least one cocktail waitress employed. :eek:

I'm not completely off booze yet, but now it's just a couple at home.

Then my beloved diabetic dog "Henry" died last February :cry: , but that freed up another $200/month of disposable income. :thu:


Should I buy that Epiphone Masterbilt AJ?? :D

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Originally posted by GAS Man

I had a couple "lounge lizard" periods of life, 90-92 when I was going through a divorce, and 97-99 when I broke up with my live-in girlfriend. During that period I must have been keeping at least one cocktail waitress employed.

I'm not completely off booze yet, but now it's just a couple at home.

Then my beloved diabetic dog "Henry" died last February
, but that freed up another $200/month of disposable income.


Should I buy that Epiphone Masterbilt AJ??

I don't have much love for Chinese acoustics so I respectfully vote no.

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