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does anyone here actually play guitar?


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I'm guessing "NO"

I think your question is unfair.


For example, take me. I don't really play the guitar much, but that's because I have trouble making the chords. I have trouble getting a clear sound when I attempt a chord, and it hurts my hand. So my psychiatrist (who is, of course, also a licensed physician) advised me to avoid pressuring my body, avoid forcing my hands into shapes that were unnatural. I was told that pain, discomfort or even boredom are signs that my body is rejecting the activity.


So, on the continued advice of my therapist, I have focused my love of music on the instruments themselves. I own a few Gibsons, a few nice Fenders, and some acoustics. I'm getting ready to order a Martin HD28 soon. I also have a lot of PA and band equipment. Sometimes I line up gigs and take my friends, who do the singing and playing. I hold a tambourine and sing into one of the background mics. We keep it turned down low, because my voice is easily strained.


In addition, I sometimes buy drinks for musicians! I am, truly, a supporter and promoter of music and musical instruments.


I am also getting acupressure treatments from a woman I know. The scientifically applied pressure points may allow me to begin making chord shapes at some future time. I'm also thinking of getting one of those keyboards that allow you to program chord progressions. That would be cool, 'cause then i could play the keyboard with one finger, touching any key.


There are many possibilities. The point is: you don't need to play the guitar before you can be a working musician, with lots of stuff.

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I think your question is unfair.

For example, take me. I don't really play the guitar much, but that's because I have trouble making the chords. I have trouble getting a clear sound when I attempt a chord, and it hurts my hand. So my psychiatrist (who is, of course, also a licensed physician) advised me to avoid pressuring my body, avoid forcing my hands into shapes that were unnatural. I was told that pain, discomfort or even boredom are signs that my body is rejecting the activity.

I hope you are trolling.
Psychiatrists should refrain from practicing orthopedic surgery, rheumatology, or physiatry if they do not have specialty training in those areas!

"I was told that pain, discomfort or even boredom are signs that my body is rejecting the activity." That is true only insofar as they concern they way *you* are performing the activity! It is entirely possible that a consultation with a performance arts medicine specialist (and they are out there, treating Stardivarius fiddle players, concert pianists, and the like whose livelihoods depend upon being able to play) could make a big difference. First, getting a few lessons with a pro to brush up on correct technique might also be in order.

You wouldn't expect your psychiatrist to manage your insulin for diabetes or to remove your gallbladder...don't rely on them for guitar playing issues!


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I'm guessing "NO"



Yeah, I kick{censored}in' play.

All by my poor{censored}in' self.

I just wish I could find some kick{censored}ers to get a {censored}-kickin' band together.

Seems impossible in this small {censored}smellin' town I live in.

Whew, that hurt, please excuse my {censored}in' language.

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It is entirely possible that a consultation with a performance arts medicine specialist (and they are out there, treating Stardivarius fiddle players, concert pianists, and the like whose livelihoods depend upon being able to play) could make a big difference.

I tried to get a consultation with a performance arts medical specialist! My HMO refused to authorize payment.


They insisted that I send a demo tape of my guitar playing, as part of a "need review" of my request. I sent them a tape of myself playing Bob Dylan's "Like A Rolling Stone," with voice accompaniment. They said that a consultation with a performance arts specialist was "not indicated," and was "not in accordance with our policies and standards."


I called them up on the phone, and insisted on talking with my case manager. She said, "Ned, you just suck at the guitar. No way would we pay out hard cash for any sort of treatment for your guitar playing." She asked me if I was aware that my psychiatrist had suggested that I limit my guitar playing to 30 minutes per month. (She had access to my entire medical file.)


None of this matters. What *matters* is that I have music in my HEART. Plus I have a bunch of expensive cool guitars.

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Bad Religion fan?


I tend to never learn songs. I'll start, but then do my own thing. lately I've been playing "Bell Witch" by Mercyful Fate, but haven't gotten to the solos yet. Maybe I will now that i've got a wah, and a new guitbox coming this week

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