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what pups for maple board ash body strat


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The guitar is a AV 70s strat natural ash body maple board. The stocks are OK, but I want something Hotter that makes the guitar less planky and bright. The maple makes the guitar brighter as does the ash body. I"m seriously considering Rio Muy grande set of 3 single coils, Fender tex mex or texas specials, Fralin HOTs.

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I put a set of Suhr V60lp's in my ash/maple strat plus deluxe. Nice pickups, no plink, quite fat for singles. Don't think you would have any regrets with these. Get them from Acme guitar with blender pot for ultimate flexibility.




I have those in my Suhr ash body with pao ferro neck. That guitar is brighter than my alder strat with texas specials, but with the blend knob you can adjust-it's brighter but that's not a bad thing really. Way better cleans.

One thing I noticed-with the vintage mode on my Fulldrive II, the strat with txs specials muds out and loses all the attack, but the Suhr has no problem cutting through.

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