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Your Tax Dollars Hard at Work!

Ernest Buckley

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OK, so around an hour ago I look out my window and see a black Nissan Sentra and a NYC cop car in the middle of the intersection on my quiet corner. Both cars have been in an accident. I also see two cops walking around both cars and I see a Russian man who was driving the Nissan standing on the corner shaking his head.


One of the cops is on his radio calling the accident in. About 5 minutes later a black Chevy Impala pulls up and 4 undercover cops step out. After about two minutes of talking with the cops, they all start laughing. The two cops that were in the accident get back in their car and shut the doors JUST IN TIME because EMT is coming down the street.


5 minutes pass and I see EMT pulling 2 neck braces and two stretchers from the ambulance. Amazingly they gently take these two officers out of the car as if they were unable to walk and put them both on stretchers. The undercover cops are also helping them but they`re all laughing.


By this time the Russian man is very upset. He is leaning again the streett light with his face in his arm.


I put on my shoes, go outside and make sure hes ok. He tells me that he did stop at the stop sign and when he pulled out the cop car came out from nowhere and hit him.


I don`t know who is in the wrong here but the fact that these two cops were walking prior to EMT arriving and then they take them away on an ambulance is a complete joke.


You like to think cops are looking out for us but this is just another example of corruption. These guys will probably be on medical leave for the next two months (Merry Christmas!) with full pay and will eventually have to take a desk job pushing pencils because they are "unfit" for work. If they really want to push it, they`ll claim they`re in extreme pain, have to retire from "the force" and will eventually take up jobs as security guards somewhere while putting on 40 pounds.


This sort of thing just pisses me off.


THE NYPD: New Yorks Finest

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Ernest, good timing, because me and the wife just for the umpteenth time saw a cop going way over the speed limit, not using his turn signal as he changed lanes, passed illegally in a turning lane and went through a stop light. He apparently was not going after anyone, and if he was, should have had his lights on for irresponsible and dangerous actions like that. This seems to happen all the time, regardless of where I live. WTF????? :mad:

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Originally posted by Ernest Buckley

I`m not into beating up cops. However what I saw today was an absolute joke and I was disgusted.


Then offer to testify in court or give a deposition on behalf of the Russian man. :idea: While you apparently didn't see the accident itself, their conduct afterwards and their actions afterwards would definitely have a bearing on the case...


Many, many law enforcement officers are good people who are doing a difficult job to the best of their ability. Unfortunately, just like in any field, you will find some bad apples in the bunch, and since they carry guns and have a badge, arguing with them on the scene is not a good idea... but in court, you can have a say and influence things in a fair and positive way.

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Originally posted by Ernest Buckley

I don`t know who is in the wrong here but the fact that these two cops were walking prior to EMT arriving and then they take them away on an ambulance is a complete joke.



That's probably standard procedure for an accident like this. The fact they were walking around doesn't mean they weren't injured. The EMS people are just making sure there will be no additional injury until the hospital can check them out.


Sam Kinison was walking around right after his famous collision. He dropped dead a few minutes later.


Terry D.

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That really is disturbing, Ernest. I've been of the mind the NYPD is a little screwy for years though. I mean, think about organization alone, and the way they distribute patrol officers or whatever...go up to some swank safe area like the 59th & Lex subway station, there's freaking national guardsmen wit AK-47s patrolling the turnstiles near Bloomingdales. WTF??


Or the Bedford Ave. Station in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, in the middle of swanky hip Brooklyn...and there's freaking 2 dozen cops standing around "keeping guard" or whatever.


Go to some scary-ass gang-ridden 'hood up in Inwood or out in the bowels of Brooklyn...ain't one damn cop to be seen.


Hell, my apartment got broken into and robbed a couple months ago...the cops we called to report the break-in to...we couldn't even really report it, because they barely spoke English. What the hell?!

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This makes me want to watch that movie Serpico.


New York is so huge. I wonder how these problems could ever be solved?


In Des Moines, a much smaller city, the poor inner city is the most heavily patroled place.


I've never been to New York. But Des Moines and New York seem like such different worlds.

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I've never been to Des Moines, but I've been to a number of other smaller cities, and you're probably right. NYC is like another planet.


I know the NYPD is forever recruiting new members, and have been heavily ever since 9/11, but I don't think the amount of police officers is really going to affect their level of organization, behavior, or to a degree, their effectiveness.


I would venture to say the scary-ass neighborhoods here wouldn't be quite as dangerous if they sent some of the cops standing around eating donuts outside of Bloomingdales on the Upper East Side out to keep an eye out.


I mean, there are parts of my 'hood I wouldn't ride through on my bike at top speed in broad daylight. In the 5 years I've lived there, I think I've seen the cops there maybe 4 times. At least 2 of those was because we called them.

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