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Things I have learned this past year...

Ernest Buckley

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Well I thought instead of starting the old and boring "New Years Resolution" thread, I would start something different this year and will hopefully continue this practice until I leave this place.


I just spoke with my mom for the last hour and I realized how blessed I am to still have one and the fact that I can call her and talk about anything is incredible.


I have learned a lot this year so I know I won`t remember everything in one shot but here it goes...


Always refrain from judging someone no matter how well I think I know them. We never really know where people are at or where they`re coming from or what they are currently dealing with.


Always consider the positive aspect of a situation first. This has helped me deal with people I originally got pissed off about and then realized if I could only change my perspective of them, it may perhaps change our relationship for the better.


Sometimes it is easier to apologize and admit your error even if you feel otherwise. This gets the other person to ease up a bit and then real progress can be made.


I am not always right. (This is hard to accept)


If you have to ask if you are ready, you are not.


Try not to react immediately to something from an emotional level. It is better to ask, what can I do now that I will not regret 10 years from now?


Most of the things that happen in the course of my day that piss me off, really, really, really mean absolutely nothing in the big picture.


No ones wrong, no ones right, everyone does what they do at the time because that is what they feel is best for them.


Finally, everything, everyone, every thought is connected to something that effects everything. So be mindful of your thoughts at all times, your emotions and your outlook. We reap what we sow.


It is far easier to practice forgiveness everyday than seek revenge to those who have done us wrong.


Thats all for now. I`m sure there are more and I am sure I will read something someone wrote and say, YES, I learned that too this past year.

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The biggie that comes to mind.


Remember to hold judgement on others. More likely than not you'll be doing the same thing you judged them for the very next week.


Case in point... my wife was having a hard run with things a couple months ago. Business stress, home projects gone bad, trying to meet all the demands of getting a kid to Brownies, with the vest, the dues, the lunch for school, the signed permission slip, etc. etc.


She was melting under the pressure. At first I just picked up as much slack as I could... but it was never enough. She's was in a depression. It finally got to me and I cracked. "Come on girl. Don't fail me now. SNAP OUT OF IT!" Eventually escalating into an argument.


A month later... she's fine and my load brought me to my knees. All my stuff just piled up and I couldn't cope. My list is long too. Work, kid, financial."Where's that last beer?" If I saw myself acting like this, I'd judge me!


In short... If you point a finger, it's probably going to bounce off a mirror at you eventually. Or in the words of Neil Finn...


"The finger of blame has turned upon itself". . Help, don

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