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Pickup advice


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So I'm finally gonna put some good pickups in my korean les paul copy. Question is, what ones? I play everything from blues rock to metal (well, more hard rock than metal), and everything in between. I play through a blues Jr, and would like a bridge pickup that could really drive those tubes to a nice thick crunch. I want a neck pickup that can get some warm clean to moderate crunch tones, but also be able to drive the amp hard enough for a solo as well. I've got the pickups i want in mind, but i'm wonderin what you guys with a little more experience have to say


Oh, ps, i also have a strat, so I don't need this guitar to cover all of the tones that i'm lookin for.

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DiMarzio super distortion at the bridge and a DiMarzio PAF at the neck.



Yup for late '70s Hard/Rock and Metal... the industry standards. Even a Super Distortion in the neck!


Or a Duncan JB and an Alnico II (in the neck) if you want a more early 80's sound.


I have many guitars with both sets.

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I've been through a lot of pickups on my Gibsons (LP & SG). I'll use mainly classic rock tones, sometimes clean and chimmy, sometimes dark and grinding. Anything from early sixties Stones to ZZ Top to Tony Iommi or QOTSA.

Ducan '59's work great for me. Though I have a Ducan Custom Custom in my Les Paul bridge postiton, which give a very muscular lead tone.

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I had an Epi LP w/ a Dimarzio Breed Neck pickup in the bridge and a Dimarzio Virtual PAF Neck in the neck. It was a sweet sounding and very versatile combination. Another favotite is the Duncan Custom Custom in the bridge and a Pearly Gates or Alnico II Pro in the neck.

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I didn't even wait for you guys to respond. I've got a Seymour Duncan JB for the bridge and a Seymour Duncan Jazz for the neck. It's gonna take 2 weeks for em to come in, and then we'll see how she sounds



This is a very common combo even in high end guitars. This will work great in a Les Paul.

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