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NGD Custom Shop ZN Tele (wedding present)...


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I love it. It is one of the few ways to improve upon the Tele design because it is so subtle looking. The horn looks fine, I wouldn't have guessed it was thinner, it doesn't look weird. And the rear contour does make a lot of sense. I bet it sounds just awesome. Congrats.

I was thinking hard about how to change it, but not to mess with tele mojo and somehow still make it better.
I must say, I more than happy with the outcome. I think this is perfect tele, at least for me.


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As everybody has said - awesome tele!

How do you like those Nocaster PU's? I'm really thinking about putting them in a tele I'm building.

Oh - and congrats on the wedding!

Thanks man

Well, I got this baybe just yesterday and I played her for an hour.
To give you more detailed opinion, I would need some more time. At the moment I can only say they sound clearer, twangier compared to tex-mex pups I have on my Nash, but they still have some good firm body.


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I also found one minor flaw on my perfect design :D

... pickguard can't be removed without removing the neck first. I wanted 22frets and neck pickup instaled on the body and not on the picguard. This means the pickguard sits under the neck and pup doesn't allow to pull the pickguard out of there.

It's not a big deal really.

Nobody's perfect I guess. :rolleyes:


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:thu: :thu: :thu: :thu: :thu:

Oh man, that is so sweet. Congratulations on the guitar, and on the wedding.

Do you mind if I ask how much it cost? I'm just curious how much a custom guitar like that sets you back in Slovenia. In Ireland, it would be three thousand Euro, minimum.
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Oh man, that is so sweet. Congratulations on the guitar, and on the wedding.

Do you mind if I ask how much it cost? I'm just curious how much a custom guitar like that sets you back in Slovenia. In Ireland, it would be three thousand Euro, minimum.



To be honest, I really don't know how much would guitar like this cost in Slovenia. I think it would be over two thousant, maybe a little more. Definitely not over three, IMO.

I paid 1000

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Oh man, that is so sweet. Congratulations on the guitar, and on the wedding.

Do you mind if I ask how much it cost? I'm just curious how much a custom guitar like that sets you back in Slovenia. In Ireland, it would be three thousand Euro, minimum.

Hey, maybe I can put in a good word for you...
:D :D

anyway this is the guy

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You can imagine what I've been doing these days. Played that baby any chance I got. If there is one thing that strikes you first, when playing that guitar, it's sustain. I can easily say I never ever played a guitar with more sustain :eek: , just incredable. The man was right about havy neck theory.
The sound and feel....., everything about this guitar is divine. When you pick up this axe you know right away there is something special about it. I love it.:love: :love:

You know what elese happend... I decided I'm selling my "current" no1., my favourite Nashville tele. It's wonderful axe but I just can't see me playing Nash tele that much, not anymore. It would be a waste, so it must go.


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