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Am I the only one finding this ironic?


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I would never buy a Gibson not because I dont want to, because I would never afford spending that much on a guitar. also, while gibson guitars are good, I was trying to say they are way too expensive for guitars that has pretty much alot of 'lemons' within its kind.





would you take one for free?

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You mean : "Don't you think?"


Anyways, yes, your paying for the name, as well as American wages and insurance etc...


Ah yes, the immense minimum wage amount of $5.15 (I know it's supposed to go up now, but still....:freak: )

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No doubt to an extent you are paying for the brand name. That goes with basically everything you can think of in the retail market. But with Gibson, when you find a good one, you are also paying for a sound. You can't really get that with any other brand.


I have a friend who has a Heritage 535 and a Heritage Les Paul. Sounds great. He loves em. I think they are fantastic guitars. They don't sound like mine. Granted the pickups in his Les Paul aren't really voiced to sound like mine but everyone I have spoken to who have heard both his 535 and my 335 prefered mine. Of course I paid more for it but not much more because I was able to get good deal.


I don't understand why people have to knock brands if they don't wish to buy them of if they might be out of the budget for the time being. Sure it may not be your thing but the fact of the matter is that they are great guitars and Music 123 may not be the best place to buy them.


Are there guitars that are built well and sound good for cheaper? Of course! Do they sound like Gibsons? I leave that up to your ears but to mine, nothing sounds like a Gibson.


I am not trying to be biased here. I know I use 2 Gibson guitars as my main axes but when I was looking for a paticular sound when shopping, brand didn't enter into it. Had I found the tone I was looking for on a different guitar, I would have bought that instead.

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Nothing sounds like a Gibby....


That's just silly. I admit Gibby's sound good but the idea that someone else (Edwards) couldn't put together similar tonewoods (Edwards) and great electronics (Edwards) and terrific pickups (Edwards) and sound like a Gibby if not better is just ... well, silly.


My local M&P has a Gibby LP Studio for $700. I'd buy that.... if I didn't think my $700 would buy me a much better Edwards.

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I would never buy a Gibson not because I dont want to, because I would never afford spending that much on a guitar. also, while gibson guitars are good, I was trying to say they are way too expensive for guitars that has pretty much alot of 'lemons' within its kind.




Thats definitely an exaggeration. Perhaps alot of them are badly setup at the factory but the majority of Gibson guitars sound like you would expect and play well after a decent setup. And some are out of this world and sound likewise. The latter is often hard to find but when you come across one, its worth it.


Lemons are a risk in all facets of retail. And Gibson does have a bad rep when it comes to QC. Some of it is definitely deserved, alot of it is internet hyperbole.


My experience comes from the months and months of searching for my 335 and playing a ton of Gibsons as well as competing brands that make a similar product.


I found 'lemons' in all the brands I was looking at, but in actuallity nothing that a good setup wouldn't help rectify.

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You mean : "Don't you think?"

Anyways, yes, your paying for the name, as well as American wages and insurance etc...

Ah yes, the immense minimum wage amount of $5.15 (I know it's supposed to go up now, but still....


doubt it if they get just minimum wage


big brands, big companies == big overhead

and that is put on to the retail price

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Nothing sounds like a Gibby....

That's just silly. I admit Gibby's sound good but the idea that someone else (Edwards) couldn't put together similar tonewoods (Edwards) and great electronics (Edwards) and terrific pickups (Edwards) and sound like a Gibby if not better is just ... well, silly.

My local M&P has a Gibby LP Studio for $700. I'd buy that.... if I didn't think my $700 would buy me a much better Edwards.



I could go into a tirade and try to explain my point but if you don't hear it for yourself then its useless. I humbly disagree with you.

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I could go into a tirade and try to explain my point but if you don't hear it for yourself then its useless. I humbly disagree with you.



You could go into any tirade you like, but you'd still be wrong.


Gibson doesn't have the market cornered on tone. Anybody can build a guitar to the same specs as a Gibson and end up with a guitar that sounds like a Gibson.


The MOP inlay on the headstock doesn't effect the tone that much.


I say this, and I own a Gibson Les Paul. It's a great guitar. It's got that Les Paul tone.


I've also got an Edwards Les Paul. It's a great guitar. It's got that Les Paul tone.

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Nothing sounds like a Gibby....

That's just silly. I admit Gibby's sound good but the idea that someone else (Edwards) couldn't put together similar tonewoods (Edwards) and great electronics (Edwards) and terrific pickups (Edwards) and sound like a Gibby if not better is just ... well, silly.

My local M&P has a Gibby LP Studio for $700. I'd buy that.... if I didn't think my $700 would buy me a much better Edwards.




Well...I think if you want the Gibson sound and feel you need to buy the Gibson.


I forget who posted that thread with the Gibson vs. Edwards comparison a bit back. After listening many times I (honestly) chose the Gibby. It was very very close though and as I said in that thread I think the pups had something to do with it as they were not the same for each guitar.


At any rate it was (imo) so close that once the band starts playing any small detail of dif' is going to be lost. In a high tech recording situation mabye the nuances would show through. I would not know though as I have never recording in a multi-million dollar joint.:cool:



The other side of the coin...Gibson is a legend in guitars. That gives their guitars a certain "cool factor". Same with Fender. Sometimes you have to pay to be or feel "cool".




I feel cool playing my early 60's Ampeg! Looks cool, sounds cool, feels cool.

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don't why i'm letting myself to get sucked in on this "troll" {censored}, but here goes.

1. qc is a bull{censored} excuse statement ( if your dumb enough to buy something thats there is something wrong with then, your the dummy) the customer is the last person in the qc dept.

2 to better understand why one thing is what you think is over priced ane one thing is under price, you need to understand capitialism, we are capitalist (well here in the states anyway)

3 although both "VW" and "Vetts" are cars and one will get you there same as the other, your gonna pay alot more for the "Vett" hell even for something like a door handle on the "Vett" is 5-6 times more than a normal car

4 gibson as put in alot years into research and development into thier guitars

they do have a right to reap the rewards, (then someone comes along and does "knockoff's" of thier {censored}, you know why those "knock off's are cheaper?

yes thats right cuz they are copies. and how would you feel if you worked on you own songs then you dicided you needed to charge $12 a cd to get back $ for your efforts, and some guy comes along selling you {censored} out of the back of his car (copies) for $1.98

5 some of that markup goes to the vendors, shipping and so on, just like me, i collect gemstones, if i get them from the mine they are cheaper, if i go to a wholeseller thier more, if i go to say Zales there is a 800% markup, ever wonder how these stores can have 50-70% off sale? now you know

6 i'm not saying that you have to spend more to get better guitars, or that the lable is the most important when buying a guitar, cuz thats not always true by anymeans. what i i'm saying is that if you want the orig. w/ all it's promt and glory, then you may have to pay more that you would like to, after all "every luxuary has it's tax"

7 in the last year i have seen gibson make efforts to make less expensvie guitars

i hope i didn't rant to badly, i could have gone on, but just remember it's JMHO


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don't why i'm letting myself to get sucked in on this "troll" {censored}, but here goes.

1. qc is a bull{censored} excuse statement ( if your dumb enough to buy some thats there is some wrong with then, your the dummy) the customer is the last person in the qc dept.

2 to better understand why one thing is what you think is over priced ane one thing is under price, you need to understand capitialism, we are capitalist (well here in the states anyway)

3 although both "VW" and "Vetts" are cars and one will get you there same as the other, your gonna pay alot more for the "Vett" hell even for something like a door handle on the "Vett" is 5-6 times more than a normal car

4 gibson as put in alot years into research and development into thier guitars

they do have a right to reap the rewards, (then someone comes along and does "knockoff's" of thier {censored}, you know why those "knock off's are cheaper?

yes thats right cuz they are copies. and how would you feel if you worked on you own songs then you dicided you needed to charge $12 a cd to get back $ for your efforts, and some guy comes along selling you {censored} out of the back of his car (copies) for $1.98

5 some of that markup goes to the vendors, shipping and so on, just like me, i collect gemstones, if i get them from the mine they are cheaper, if i go to a wholeseller thier more, if i go to say Zales there is a 800% markup, ever wonder how these stores can have 50-70% off sale? now you know

6 i'm not saying that you have to spend more to get better guitars, or that the lable = is the most important when buying a guitar, cuz thats not always true by anymeans. what i i'm saying is that if you want the orig. w/ all it's promt and glory, then you may have to pay more that you would like to, after all "every luxuary has it's tax"

7 in the last year i have seen gibson make efforts to make less expensvie guitars

i hope i didn't rant to badly, i could have gone on, but just remember it's JMHO



Aslan is pissed, HUH? :eek:

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high amount of money for a guitar who often comes with blemishes, bad setup, buzzing fingerboards etc? for that high amount of money you can get a custom guitar made just for you and have some change for a nice hardshell case. Is there something in Gibson that you cant copy?



they feel like pushing their brand name up. The LP studio and the LP standard are practically the same, yet the LP studio costs about $1000 more. Gibson doesn't expect very many people to buy their LP stand., the crazy price is just there so ppl will think their brand is good.


Gibson probably makes more from epiphone products than its $2000 LPs.


i would also like to say that Gibson, contrary to what was mentioned are very nice guitars. I just think the pricing of the LP standards is too high for cosmetics.

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You could go into any tirade you like, but you'd still be wrong.

Gibson doesn't have the market cornered on tone. Anybody can build a guitar to the same specs as a Gibson and end up with a guitar that sounds like a Gibson.

The MOP inlay on the headstock doesn't effect the tone that much.

I say this, and I own a Gibson Les Paul. It's a great guitar. It's got that Les Paul tone.

I've also got an Edwards Les Paul. It's a great guitar. It's got that Les Paul tone.



What makes you think you know better than I do? In the end of the day, you have your opinions and I have mine. I can live with yours without telling you that you're wrong.


The last I will say about this is basically that Music 123 is a bad place to buy Les Pauls if thats what they are charging. There are better deals out there if you choose to actually look for them.

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What makes you think you know better than I do? In the end of the day, you have your opinions and I have mine. I can live with yours without telling you that you're wrong.

The last I will say about this is basically that Music 123 is a bad place to buy Les Pauls if thats what they are charging. There are better deals out there if you choose to actually look for them.



At least we agree on the last part.


I love my Gibson...I really do. I just don't think that it's got some kind of magical 'mojo' or whatever that contributes to it's tone just because it says Gibson on the headstock.


Hell, I've recorded tracks with a Les Paul on one side and a Tele on the other and the difference in tone isn't all that alarming. I just don't see how anyone can honestly believe that two guitars made from the same woods, using the same specs can sound different just because one is a Gibson and the other isn't.



But you're as entitled to your opinion as I am to mine, and I shouldn't have said you were wrong to think what you do, even though I don't agree with you.

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The whole QC thing is bogus unless you have a problem with basic set-ups (which all new guitars need anyway, not just Gibson). I bought my LP Classic online and I ended up with a great guitar. I didn't search high and low for the "right one", because I didn't need to. Gibson makes great guitars, and if you can't see past a poor factory set-up, that's your problem.


And yes, Gibson's are overpriced, but most new guitars are. Do you honestly think all those $1500+ Jacksons, Ibanez's, ESP's, etc. aren't overpriced? Of course they are. They are running a business after all, so to hate a company for simply trying to make a profit is just silly.



End rant/ :wave:

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Yeah you are paying for the name and you are getting screwed to some point. But your also paying for the fact that it was hand built by someone who knew (or I sure as hell hope so) what they were doing, and took the time to make sure that everything is how it should be on the guitar. Personally I'd never buy a Gibson unless I found a great deal, just not my cup of tea.

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The whole QC thing is bogus unless you have a problem with basic set-ups (which all new guitars need anyway, not just Gibson). I bought my LP Classic online and I ended up with a great guitar. I didn't search high and low for the "right one", because I didn't need to. Gibson makes great guitars, and if you can't see past a poor factory set-up, that's your problem.

And yes, Gibson's are overpriced, but most new guitars are. Do you honestly think all those $1500+ Jacksons, Ibanez's, ESP's, etc. aren't overpriced? Of course they are. They are running a business after all, so to hate a company for simply trying to make a profit is just silly.

End rant/


I don't know about Ibanez and ESP, but I find Jacksons to all be overpriced, a lot. A 600 dollar Jackson buys you a piece of {censored}.

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The other side of the coin...Gibson is a legend in guitars. That gives their guitars a certain "cool factor". Same with Fender. Sometimes you have to pay to be or feel "cool".



After a point, it's all opinion. The Gibsons I've encountered have been great guitars - I'd say the best were twice the guitar my Epiphone Standard is, at five times the price. It's personal call as to wehtehr it's worth the extra - to me it's not. The extra that an MIJ Edwards / Tokai or Epiphone would cost over the standard Epi, sure. Over here, you'd be very lucky indeed, from what I see, to find a new LP Std for less than GBP1400 - that's about USD2800 currently. Gibsons, nice as they are, simply aren't worth that kind of scratch to me. It's not even as if they're Gretsch or Ric where you can't easily find a decent copy - there are quality alternatives to the Gibby LP everywhere you look these days, near enough. For a lot of folks the Gibson brand gives a mojo worth paying the extra for - for me it very definitely doesn't. what makes a Fender / Gibson / Mosrite / Ric / Gretsch / Eastwood / whatever cool to me is the guitar itself - how it looks, feels, sounds, plays. I really don't give a damn whether it has the "right" name on the headstock.

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The whole QC thing is bogus unless you have a problem with basic set-ups (which all new guitars need anyway, not just Gibson). I bought my LP Classic online and I ended up with a great guitar. I didn't search high and low for the "right one", because I didn't need to. Gibson makes great guitars, and if you can't see past a poor factory set-up, that's your problem.

And yes, Gibson's are overpriced, but most new guitars are. Do you honestly think all those $1500+ Jacksons, Ibanez's, ESP's, etc. aren't overpriced? Of course they are. They are running a business after all, so to hate a company for simply trying to make a profit is just silly.

End rant/



It's cool that your guitar you ordered online worked out great....but in my experience the QC problems Gibson has go beyond someone not being able to see through a guitar just needing a proper set-up. I have encountered it first hand when Gibson shopping (in person).



Not tooting my own horn .....but I can say with confidence that I have a large sum of guitar and amp tech knowledge and ability. Even got the tools:)

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