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Which Strat???


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Hi all long time lurker new poster.


I am looking at a new strat to complement all the humbuckers in my stable.


I've never been a big strat/single coil fan but have been resently lusting over a strat as I have been in the mood for Claptonesqe blues among other things.


Now the dillema:


Mex standard $800

Mex classic 60s $930

HWY1 $1400


I Love the Nitro on the HWY1 but I'm not sure about the jumbo frets(moving from gibsons), and since it is slightly out of budget already if I dont like the pickups it might be a while before I can change them.


The Mex standard is obviously the cheapest although from pics (on sweetwater god bless em) the sunburst doesnt quite look right. But the money saved could easily be used to upgrade.


The 60s is looking nice although I am not sure if the '3 colour burst' is the same as the 'brown burst' of the mex standard. Also what other (if any) upgrades over the standard are there, the Fender site is a little less helpful.


Unfortunately As I live in the middle of nowhere I have to order axes in so no 'find the one with mojo' solutions.



Any help would be appreciated as your advice will probably make my mind up where to aim when I pull the trigger.





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Wow thanks for quick reply.

$800 is Aussie dollars, and yes we pay ALOT more for guitars out here. I have thought about ardering via ebay but just don't trust any shipping company enough plus when you start to include duty in the price....

Haven't seen the JV strat are they available down under??

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Have you thought about a used guitar? I havent purchased a new guitar in years. You can get some very nice guitars for the same price as the cheapers ones are new.



True, but unfortunately the used market in Australia is pretty weak (as in, there isn't a lot of choice and you're not getting a lot of discount either)


- Ged

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Second the last post, I would be happy with a good second hand but since the new market is so expensive, the good second hands go for nearly the price of new ones. Personally I'd rather cough up an extra $100 for my choice of colour (sunburst) and rosewood board, with the added bonus of knowing that all knicks and bumps are mine.

That said I am still keeping on top of Ebay in the hope.......

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True, but unfortunately the used market in Australia is pretty weak (as in, there isn't a lot of choice and you're not getting a lot of discount either)

- Ged



I didnt realize that the Aussie market was like that. I guess we are spoiled here in the US and specifically Boston.

I can get a used Highway 1 here for about $500 in great shape which is about $900 less than you can get one for. I wonder if it would be worth it to buy one here and have it shipped????

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I will whole heartedly recommend the JV strat too. Just a terrific guitar. I prefer it over all of my guitars, and with the right pedals, it can sound just as heavy. Great for blues, rock, hard rock, etc. I like theTex Mex pups in it too. Great neck, a bit thicker than most strats which I really like. I have it in white and love the color.

Not sure how much it will cost you in Australia, but it costs about the same here as a MIM Classic 60s or 50s. It is less than the Highway 1. Comes in a few colors, the sunburst or white look best to me.

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I would consider buying what you want, and save up for it. I never sell gear so I want to get it right the first time. Play them all and find the one that fits you best. If you don't, you'll start to have regrets or remorse.

Of all the strats, my favorites in reverse order: Clapton, JV, Eric Johnson (best production Strat IMHO in a long, long time).


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Thanks all for your help,

The JV sounds like a nice option (trying to find one) although they seem to only be maple fingerboard.

So I think I have made up my mind to pay the extra for a HWY1. I figure a few hundred extra will be soon forgotten since I will be getting the one I would most like.

Has anyone had much experience with these, I understand the Pups are special to the HWY1 series (if the fender website is to be beleived) and are a fairly modern sound. Is it possible to get a good blues/Claptonesque sond or would a Pup swap be in order?


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They will be just fine. Highway 1 series are quite good. They jumped a bit in price here, but they got upgraded too. I take it you want a rosewood fretboard. The Highway 1 used to have both, but now just rosewood I believe. The JV is maple, which I preferred on the strat (although I like both).

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I was up until recently in the market myself, and did a lot of reading up on strats.
Best advice, as always, is to try different ones and see what feels right for you, but I would definately look into these 2 as they seem to get good reviews pretty much everywhere.

Deluxe player: http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/Fender-Deluxe-Players-Stratocaster-Electric-Guitar?sku=511597 $600
Fender Classic Player '60s: http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/Fender-Classic-Player-60s-Stratocaster?sku=512767 $800

Both are MiM's.

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