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n00b guitar cleaning...


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Okay, have now acquired a set of Elixir .09-.42s waiting to be strung on to the recently acquired Yammie SA500.


Before that, she needs a bit of cosmetic refreshment; there seems to be a fair amount of surface rust on most of the screws, apart from the stainless ones in the bridge saddles.


My initial thought was to remove the screws and give them a bit of a scrub with some WD40 to see if I can get them all shiny looking again.


However, am a little nervous about the screws on top of the pick-ups (see pic).


Is there anything I should know before removing these little suckers?

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Watch out for removing the pup height adjuster screw, unless you feel confident to put it all back together when your done.

Ooh, okay; do the height adjuster screws have some kind of spring loaded mechanism?

Perhaps I'll leave them alone as well.

Guess I'll be learning to live with a bit of surface rust after all - builds character, did I hear someone say? :p

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Ooh, okay; do the height adjuster screws have some kind of spring loaded mechanism?

Perhaps I'll leave them alone as well.

Guess I'll be learning to live with a bit of surface rust after all - builds character, did I hear someone say?

Yes, the springs on that bolt are a SOB'n task.

But I've heard small tubing works as a replacement. Problem is, the tubing dries out, cracks and crumbles into dust over time. And the springs are good until you mess with them.

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For the springs i take a string and put it through the center, then compress the spring with my fingers. When compressed you twist-tie the string until it is holding the spring compressed, whereupon you can put it over the screw and get the screw into the mounting ring. This makes things much easier. When the screws are in, you simply untwist the string and pull it out.

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