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We have a serious drummer shortage in this area - more guitar players?


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i bred my own too. my 6 year old daughter has been playing drums since she was 3 and guitar since last year. they don't make many basses small enough but when she's a little older i'm gonna get her one of those too. if she doesn't end up playing something it won't be for a lack of opportunity.


in my current band i had to buy my ol' lady a bass and amp and start her on her way to rockstardom in order to have a bass player. luckily she has taken to it with gusto.

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Now why do you have to go & start something?


I was a drummer for many years, took up guitar because there was so little work for drummers in the ATL (and because I love to sing); now I'm pretty much committed to guitar (having 6 as I do, and no drums).


Makes me think I should pick up a kit & build my chops back up...but who wants to live in DFW?



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I bought a set of drums also, partially for my kid since she wanted to learn and partially so it would be easy to get someone over to play and they wouldn't have to haul them over. Pretty good strategy so far, I've been ale to get people over. Problem is, most are not that good. And my band is not Rush or anything, we need some basic time keeping and some fills, that's about it. I can't even get the basic time keepers. We used a drum machine last night and that worked out better than the guy we've been jamming with which led us to the decision to get on the hunt for a better drummer.

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