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A very cool NGD


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Very nice Pete!!


I try to get my two daughters interested in playing. But at age 9 and 10.. they're not into it yet. :cry:


I dont' want to force them into it cause then they might resent it and resist.


So, I'm like you....... if they eventually get into it (guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, singing..... whatever) great........ but if not, that's fine too.

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She is adorable!!:thu:


All these pics of these rediculously cute kids sometimes make me wish I had kids.:cry:


Oh, well, Ill probably get a knock on teh door one day by some big burly biker dude saying " Hey, you remember so and so from your giggin days?

You remember? The girl from the parking lot?

Well she is my mom and guess what that makes you?" :freak:

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