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NGD: Gibson LOVE


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I bought another one :eek:


I have had the Studio for about a year now and the SG for about 8 months. I enjoy both of them immensely, especially the Les Paul. The feel, the ease of play, the tone and the style are all things that I have come to love about my Gibsons.


My only complaint at all about the Studio is the 498T bridge pup. It's pretty bright sounding, not in a bad way, just much hotter and brighter than any other Les Paul's I have played.


Well I started reading some more about the Burstbuckers and the Vintage Mahogany. I read many comments about how many LP players have come to favor their VM w/Burstbuckers over other LP models they own.


And uh oh, I got GAS again !!! :mad:


So I decided to hit up my closest GC last night and play what they had in stock. They had 4 worn cherry models hanging, but no worn brown models :( I played a couple of the worn cherry guitars while he checked his computer...


Low and behold he comes out with a worn brown still in the box :wink:


So I sat down, plugged into a nice Peavey Valveking and ran through anything I could think of with different vibes and tones. Some clean, some gain and some high gain... Some slow stuff, some fast, some smooth and some chunky biting stuff...


Now I am by no means a great guitar player or even good some people would say :D, including me..., but the guitar just felt great. Very low action, great finish and NO BABY RATTLE :D. And the BURSTBUCKERS just sound killer. This was the main reason I was interested in this guitar and the pickups did not let me down. I could tell right there in the store that I preferred them over my 498T/490R setup in my Alpine White Studio...


I looked the guitar over very closely, played it unplugged, shook it some more looking for the famed RATTLE... Couldn't find anything wrong with it...


About this time the salesman comes by and asks me what I think of it. I told him I liked it very much and asked him what is the best he could do on a price.


Much to my surprise he checked his computer and offered it to me for $705. Uh oh, I was hooked, pulled out Debit Card and told him it was sold.


Got it home and put the pickups through the paces again, at a much higher volume and through my Classic 30... These Burstbuckers KICK-ASS !!!!


The particular guitar I got is a little darker than most I have seen the wood grain is really beautiful on it. I am more than pleased with my purchase and am now the proud papa of my third Gibson


Okay, here's what you all want !!! the pics...






and finally the nice fireplace shot ;)



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Congrats on the new LP!!

This may be a dumb question,but why didn't you just put Burstbuckers in your Studio?



thanks and that's not a dumb question, I thought about it. I have heard good things about the Classic 57's too and just thought I might go that route on the Studio. Plus, I don't know if the burstbuckers are special in the all mahogany or if they would sound the same with the maple cap on the Studio.


Either way, I was gonna get rid of 2 or 3 guitars I don't play and an amp in favor of another guitar that would definately get play time...

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