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NGD is coming, I need some recommendations


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Hey all!


Just paid my taxes and luckily didn't owe as much as I was anticipating. So, it's time to finally add a new guitar to my lineup. To see what I have currently check the sig.


I've been leaning towards an MIA Fender simply because I've always wanted one. However, I've also considered a Les Paul of some sort and even a Suhr. However, since I don't really have a Suhr dealer close I don't have a good way to try one out so that's almost out the window.


So, for less than $3000 what is the guitar you would buy? I'm not looking for less expensive copies, I want an heirloom quality player that is built well and should play wonderfully.



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thats quite the budget! I personally would go G&L before fender( ya look at my sig, im a hypocrite), there comanches are amazing, their more fender than fender is. Humbucker wise, I would go customshop les Paul or even a nice Standard with a real nice top, asny of the gibby's over 2 grand

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