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Help a boy out with pickups.


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I have a 76 Les Paul Standard with a Rosewood covered Maple neck. It is the brightest Les Paul I have ever played. Not too bright, but I would like to darken it up some. I would like to stay away from high output pickups if I could. I generally use the PAF style. The three pickups I have tried in it are Duncan 59's, Duncan Seth Lovers, and some 80's Gibson PAF's.


Anyone have some success here in darkening a bright guitar?


As a side, I have been turning the tone knob down some with my Marshall, and this works fairly well. But I played a few other guitars through my set up the other day, and confirmed for me that my guitar is much brighter than most Les Pauls. Is there anything I can do?

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I would consider going for a pickup with either Alnico II or IV magnets.

Alnico II's will provide a softer, more smooth tone. The only one's that I have used with Alnico II's are SD Custom Custom (bridge) and Pearly Gates (neck), which I have in a Patrick Eggle Berlin.

Alnico IV's will give you a more 'organic' tone, without the more dynamic variation in highs and lows that Alnico V's give.

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EQ pedal



The issue is that I have played other guitars (Les Pauls and PRS's) with my set up, and the highs are perfect. My Les Paul is just brighter than most. Like I said, I do turn back the tone knob some and this helps, but If I can darken the guitar up some I would like to do it. If I can't, I may need to just sell it and get a different guitar. Which I don't really want to do, because except for the highs I have no complaints with this guitar.

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In addition to the PuPs Musicscotty mentioned, I'd suggest SD Alnico Pro II's. I believe they're what Slash uses, or at least he used to.



still does!


i have alnico II pros in a couple of mine. {censored}in love em. but these bareknuckle black dogs i got in this weekend are absolutely amazing for just a gorgeous vintage tone.

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still does!

i have alnico II pros in a couple of mine. {censored}in love em. but these bareknuckle black dogs i got in this weekend are absolutely amazing for just a gorgeous vintage tone.




+1 on the BKP Black Dog pups. Very ...erm .. vintagey indeed and with a darker voice, I believe?


I didn't mention them in my first post, as they are a lot more expensive but they are an excellent pup. BKP Mule pups with Alnico IV magnets would perhaps do the job as well.


I have BKP Emerald pups in my LP and they Rock as well, although with a hotter, slightly brighter tone.

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I didn't mention them in my first post, as they are a lot more expensive but they are an excellent pup. BKP Mule pups with Alnico IV magnets would perhaps do the job as well.

I have BKP Emerald pups in my LP and they
as well, although with a hotter, slightly brighter tone.



yeah, BKs are definitely pricey ... but man ... so worth it.

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Are you using 500k or 300k pots?



Wolfe at Wolfetone pickups just mentioned this to me today. I am pretty sure I am using 500k pots. If so, I am going to try out a 300k and see how it handles.

Thanks for the help.

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I saw in another thread a L.P. Standard that comes stock with the Burstbucker Pro Pups. Anyone have experience with these?




I like them, but if your guitar is bright, I wouldn't try BB Pros.


A Duncan Custom Custom in the bridge would certainly tame it down


I have one in a Jackson DK2S that I'm going to toss because it dulled that guitar down too much. I'd offer it to you, but it's F-spaced.

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Dude, with pickups I don't see how you could go much darker than the Seth Lovers. That's pretty much as low output and smooth as you can get. Time to change the pots.


I was told by at guy a Guitarfetish, that the "Seth Lover" is the brightest pup Duncan makes.:freak:


As a side, I am a big fan of the Seth Lover, which is why I tried it in my L.P. It didn't tame the brightness as much as I had hoped however.

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I like them, but if your guitar is bright, I wouldn't try BB Pros.

A Duncan Custom Custom in the bridge would certainly tame it down

I have one in a Jackson DK2S that I'm going to toss because it dulled that guitar down too much. I'd offer it to you, but it's F-spaced.



I don't expect that I will try the BB. I just saw that some of the LP Standards with Maple necks come with them.


The Custom Custom is on the list.

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I was told by at guy a Guitarfetish, that the "Seth Lover" is the brightest pup Duncan makes.

As a side, I am a big fan of the Seth Lover, which is why I tried it in my L.P. It didn't tame the brightness as much as I had hoped however.

Well, maybe I'm wrong. I'm no expert. :)

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