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OT: Sad Story


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My Daughter's Best Friend (they are in Kindergarten) had her house burn down yesterday. They family rented the house and because of the economy in Michigan, did not have enough money for renters insurance. Her father is a house painter. Business has been tough because people are hurting for work and if he bid to be competitive, he would lose money after buying supplies. Her mom is a hair stylist. They had no emergency fund, like several up here right now. The Red Cross has put them up in a hotel for two days. Then ???????


The fire was caused by faulty wiring from when the house was built years ago. Apparently, there was a nick in the shielding. It started in her 2 year old sisters room. Luckily they were not home, but Milo, the family dog was. He died of smoke inhalation. Their other dog, Henry, ran away a month ago. All they had left was the clothes on their backs, and two stuffed toys.


My daughter and her friend sang a song in a talent show last night that they wrote called "Best Friends". They announced the fire and people offered clothes and such. We have dressers, toys, books and clothes we are giving them. We said they could stay with us, and her daughter could come over our house after work. We would like to do more, but I am going out of town for a few days, and my wife has a 6.3 cm diameter cyst on her ovary she is having removed on Friday. She can't get around much.


Her father, Carl, played guitar. He had an SG. I think it was a special with one P90 and an amp. I believe those burned as well. He is a closet guitarist, like myself. He used to play drums in bands when he was in high school, and just after. Then switched to guitar later on.


Anybody have any ideas of what they could do? I know there has been a lot of tragedy posted on this forum before. It seems people always have some good advice.

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poor folks should not have kids or pets until they can afford to take care of them. people with money rarely are ruined after a fire or similar event. I know it sounds callous & I know these people need help but its better not to get to that point in the first place. living from month to month with children is cruel.

If they can feed 2 dogs they can afford renters insurance.


I would advise them to contact family for help. Don't worry about the guy's guitar-its not a priority here. taking care of the kids comes 1st.

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poor folks should not have kids or pets until they can afford to take care of them. people with money rarely are ruined after a fire or similar event. I know it sounds callous & I know these people need help but its better not to get to that point in the first place. living from month to month with children is cruel.

If they can feed 2 dogs they can afford renters insurance.

I would advise them to contact family for help. Don't worry about the guy's guitar-its not a priority here. taking care of the kids comes 1st.



They actually could afford having the kids before. They are also going to school to get better jobs. The problem is the Michigan economy. We have the 3rd largest home foreclosure rate in the country. Many people are out of work. He was working all the time painting houses, but in the last year, it has gotten tough. His kids are 6 and 2. Have you never heard of anyone losing work and times getting tough? Their families do not sound as though they have much money to help out either.


I just mentioned the guitar loss because this is a guitar forum.

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Michigan is very bad. I've been out of work for 11 months. There are just no jobs around to be had. I've sent out hundreds of resumes, and have only had a few interviews. I can't even imagine going through losing a home and posessions like that. My thoughts are with them.

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Michigan is very bad. I've been out of work for 11 months. There are just no jobs around to be had. I've sent out hundreds of resumes, and have only had a few interviews. I can't even imagine going through losing a home and posessions like that. My thoughts are with them.



Thanks! Sorry to hear about being out of work. It is tough up here. My industry is not related to the auto industry at all, nor services. It is still tough for me right now, but not as bad as most. My issues have been more with the government spending more money on bombs than on medical research.


Oh, and the ironic part about all of this. The family was living in Hell, Michigan. I am not kidding. We really have a Hell, Michigan.

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That is a sad story. Good thing no one was physically injured.
I recently left Michigan for a better job. One of the first things I did was get renter's insurance. $350 a year. If my stuff burned/stolen etc. I would get $42,000 to replace my stuff. Please make sure your friends get some at their next place.
Fires can happen when you least expect it. The building next to mine cuaght fire in November and the people had to find other places while the repairs were happening. It was ready to be reoccupied but on Good friday it burned to the ground. I caaled my insurance agent the next Monday and made sure everything was up to date.
Does the family have a fund or anything set up at a bank? A few bucks from HC members could help.

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poor folks should not have kids or pets until they can afford to take care of them. people with money rarely are ruined after a fire or similar event. I know it sounds callous & I know these people need help but its better not to get to that point in the first place. living from month to month with children is cruel.

If they can feed 2 dogs they can afford renters insurance.

I would advise them to contact family for help. Don't worry about the guy's guitar-its not a priority here. taking care of the kids comes 1st.



You are just an ass. The guy posted about a horrible tragedy and this is what you have to offer... Seems to me your 2 cents could have been kept to yourself.


For the OP I don't have any advise, all I can offer is my prayers. I know it will be hard but hopefully they will make it through.

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I know it sounds callous & I know these people need help but its better not to get to that point in the first place. living from month to month with children is cruel.

If they can feed 2 dogs they can afford renters insurance.

I would advise them to contact family for help. Don't worry about the guy's guitar-its not a priority here. taking care of the kids comes 1st.



The guy's out of work and his house just burned down. How could you be so cold?


I've lost my family's only job in a bad economy before. Thank God we didn't lose our house; I don't know what we'd have done. Our two kids (at the time) got by just fine.

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If they can feed 2 dogs they can afford renters insurance.

I would advise them to contact family for help. Don't worry about the guy's guitar-its not a priority here. taking care of the kids comes 1st.



I agree with bold lines. The rest you could have left out.

The part about waiting for kids if you're poor just shows a lack of understanding basic biology or extreme idealism

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poor folks should not have kids or pets until they can afford to take care of them. people with money rarely are ruined after a fire or similar event. I know it sounds callous & I know these people need help but its better not to get to that point in the first place. living from month to month with children is cruel.

If they can feed 2 dogs they can afford renters insurance.

I would advise them to contact family for help. Don't worry about the guy's guitar-its not a priority here. taking care of the kids comes 1st.



{censored} you dude, you're a {censored}ing idiot.


That really sucks man, mojo sent to the family.

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That is a sad story. Good thing no one was physically injured.

I recently left Michigan for a better job. One of the first things I did was get renter's insurance. $350 a year. If my stuff burned/stolen etc. I would get $42,000 to replace my stuff. Please make sure your friends get some at their next place.

Fires can happen when you least expect it. The building next to mine cuaght fire in November and the people had to find other places while the repairs were happening. It was ready to be reoccupied but on Good friday it burned to the ground. I caaled my insurance agent the next Monday and made sure everything was up to date.

Does the family have a fund or anything set up at a bank? A few bucks from HC members could help.



Thanks. There is not fund that I am aware of. It just happened yesterday. They found out when they saw the fire trucks at the house when they pulled up after picking their daughter up from school. Th


Unfortunately, this was a tough lesson about what not to pay for. Insurance is there for reason, but it can be the first thing to go because it is usually something you pay for, but not use. They admitted it was a bad mistake, I am sure they will be getting it next time.

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poor folks should not have kids or pets until they can afford to take care of them. people with money rarely are ruined after a fire or similar event. I know it sounds callous & I know these people need help but its better not to get to that point in the first place. living from month to month with children is cruel.

If they can feed 2 dogs they can afford renters insurance.

I would advise them to contact family for help. Don't worry about the guy's guitar-its not a priority here. taking care of the kids comes 1st.



Don't worry, you don't sound callous. You sound like someone who is buried under their own ignorance. Your logic is simple; your attitude is pathetic.

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The house my sister-in-law was squatting in burnt down because her baby-daddy had everything in the back half of the place hooked up to one overloaded extension cord.

Spending their income on drugs took priority over mundane but responsible stuff like renter's insurance (although they weren't paying any rent...nor did they own the home...) or basic electrical repairs. Needless to say, they didn't have a reserve of cash.

BUT they made out like bandits after the fire, because there are many, many people who are basically generous when they hear a sad story like "young family with 4 kids has their house burn down". They are way better off now than before the fire, and have turned down a lot of donations (including 2 mobile homes) because they got way more than they need or had room for.

Even without renter's insurance, your friends may be OK. Give them a month.
The best thing the head of the household can do is tell everyone who donates anything that he's grateful, but what he really needs is WORK.

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Anybody have any ideas of what they could do? I know there has been a lot of tragedy posted on this forum before. It seems people always have some good advice.



One nice thing about the internet is that it can bring people together.

For years people have created auctions to benefit people struck by tragedy (hurricanes, floods, illness, etc.). People have donated instruments, pedals, and/or their time to help out.

Or create funds. I think that's what happened when a forumite died years ago and a fund was created for his children.

Additionally people have sent out clothes, food, etc., as needed.


Be prepared to provide a lot of information, since people can (and should) be skeptical about such things.


Best of luck.

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They actually could afford having the kids before. They are also going to school to get better jobs. The problem is the Michigan economy. We have the 3rd largest home foreclosure rate in the country. Many people are out of work. He was working all the time painting houses, but in the last year, it has gotten tough. His kids are 6 and 2. Have you never heard of anyone losing work and times getting tough? Their families do not sound as though they have much money to help out either.

I just mentioned the guitar loss because this is a guitar forum.



The Midwest is very bad like that, I'm not sure, but I think Missouri is probably #1 home foreclosure rate, there are hardly enough streets for all the homeless people in this city, not to speak of shelters. Means that a new house will be cheap with low interest though!


I agree that poor people shouldn't have kids, speaking from my life experience as an extremely poor kid, but sometimes families are hit much harder than they expect, especially with (sad cliche) the way the economy is going right now.

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One nice thing about the internet is that it can bring people together.

For years people have created auctions to benefit people struck by tragedy (hurricanes, floods, illness, etc.). People have donated instruments, pedals, and/or their time to help out.

Or create funds. I think that's what happened when a forumite died years ago and a fund was created for his children.

Additionally people have sent out clothes, food, etc., as needed.

Be prepared to provide a lot of information, since people can (and should) be skeptical about such things.

Best of luck.



I have information. Donations would be great, but I do not really know what they need yet. Well, they need everything, but I do not know what their next step is, nor what they have been offered.


Does anyone know of an agency that helps out in these situations other than the red cross?

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Possibly contact the local paper and give them the story, put in an appeal, maybe- for a genuine tragedy a newspaper
help you out.

Contact the local church for advice, tell the pastor,etc..

Very good luck to you all.



I thought of that. Our local news stations run stories like this once in a while.

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Your prayers and "mojo" are less than worthless. If you "generous" people want to actually help then send them money or offer them work.

Better yet, tell them to move to where the {censored}ing jobs are instead of staying in a dead economy like Michigan. Jeez, its been grim there for years. wake the {censored} up please. Childrens futures are at stake. Stop pandering with your silly "mojo".

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Your prayers and "mojo" are less than worthless. If you "generous" people want to actually help then send them money or offer them work.

Better yet, tell them to move to where the {censored}ing jobs are instead of staying in a dead economy like Michigan. Jeez, its been grim there for years. wake the {censored} up please. Childrens futures are at stake. Stop pandering with your silly "mojo".

Prayers can, and do, help...It's actually been proven with scientific tests. But, science hasn't been able to answer "why" prayer works. Anyway, prayers and mojo sent! :thu:

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poor folks should not have kids or pets until they can afford to take care of them. people with money rarely are ruined after a fire or similar event. I know it sounds callous & I know these people need help but its better not to get to that point in the first place. living from month to month with children is cruel.

If they can feed 2 dogs they can afford renters insurance.

I would advise them to contact family for help. Don't worry about the guy's guitar-its not a priority here. taking care of the kids comes 1st.



YOU are A BIG PILE O {censored}--{censored} OFF:poke:

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Thanks for all the responses and kind words, except for St. Andrew. I hope there is no such thing as Karma for your sake.

The family is looking for a new house to rent-to-own and will move in as soon as they get one. This is what they were doing. They will be getting renters insurance this time for sure. The Red Cross has given them a voucher for food and clothes. My wife has collected clothes, books, art supplies (Ashley likes Art) and toys for the 2 year old. They did not want any of the items yet. The school principle is going to collect money for down payment for a new place. They have yet to speak with their landlord about their security deposit, the fire was not their fault. And possibly getting some rent back.

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