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Is consistently trolling a bannable offense?


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I've never looked at "trolling" as anything other than an attempt to SELL something.


I dont see people starting silly threads on controversial topics, or a thread stating a controversial opinion, as "trolling" whatsoever.


Is trolling (as it pertains to this forum) defined somewhere? A lot of people seem to think that trolling is anything they dont like. Same as they feel "spam" is any email they received from someone they dont know (not the actual definition).


So while I personally take a "dont feed the troll" attitude, I am still curious why there's such a range of opinion on what a "troll" is in the first place. :idk:



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I don't think that actually discourages trolling, though. Trolls, as a species, are fairly immune to both logical argument and shaming.
They feed on attention, ignorance, and fear, so these are the things we must deny them.



also cheetoes

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I think
definition works for me.


But even wiki states that it's highly subjective :)


For me, it's the fishing method. Trolling for newbies, suckers, etc. Sales leads.


If it's just some forumite being a jerk, thats not a troll, it's a jerk! lol :p

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Plus, isn't this what the ignore button is for?

I guess banning is like a communal ignore.



Ignore only works if the person you ignore doesn't get quoted. For example, I have someone ignored, yet I see his post thanks to someone's quote button. I wish the software would make an ignore work for all data generated from a specific source. Obviously, if someone were to quote manually it wouldn't work, but you'd think it could keep up with where it came from when the quote botton is used and the post code gets applied to it..


Trolls are a fact of life on the web. Either get over them or log off. I don't mind them until it gets to the point of personal harassment. At that point, it's vacation time for the troll.

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"An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response, or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion."



I wouldnt want to be a trollcop around here:cop:



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Ignore only works if the person you ignore doesn't get quoted. For example, I have someone ignored, yet I see his post thanks to someone's quote button. I wish the software would make an ignore work for all data generated from a specific source. Obviously, if someone were to quote manually it wouldn't work, but you'd think it could keep up with where it came from when the quote botton is used and the post code gets applied to it..

Trolls are a fact of life on the web. Either get over them or log off. I don't mind them until it gets to the point of personal harassment. At that point, it's vacation time for the troll.



Quoting is "manual". It is just a button that copys that post to yours. Not a actual link to an object. At least on this forum..

What is annoying about all those trolls (for instance Cold Gin, etc..) that they are too successful. It's enough to write "Hendrix is the suxxorz" in a thread title, and people will go on arguing for ages.

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Quoting is "manual". It is just a button that copys that post to yours. Not a actual link to an object. At least on this forum..

What is annoying about all those trolls (for instance Cold Gin, etc..) that they are too successful. It's enough to write "Hendrix is the suxxorz" in a thread title, and people will go on arguing for ages.


Actually, you are wrong, sort of.. It is manual, but it pulls your original text based on an ID stored in the database.. For example, the ID of your post was 27932526.. Quote me, and look beside my name. You'll find a similar number. You can remove it, and it still quotes the same way, but that's how your original post is identified in the board's database. A true manual qoute would show up like:


"It is just a button that copys that post to yours. Not a actual link to an object. At least on this forum.."


You can't make HTML copy something and use it elsewhere. There just isn't a way to do that. But you can make XML call a database location and pull that data.




Edit: Here, click this and watch what happens.. Clicky! It'll make a new post that's a quote of your previous post..

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It's enough to write "Hendrix is the suxxorz" in a thread title, and people will go on arguing for ages.

I guess if you like it or not, trolling is kind of a fabric of this forum - Sometimes it leads to genuine discussion. If all trolls are shot on sight, then a lot of good discussion will be missed.


Take parody threads for example. Sometimes they are essentially trolls, and yet because of them people are able to see the bigger picture, and continue discussion.


To me, all trolling does is lowers the Signal to Noise Ratio of the forum. If you don't like the hum, put up a noise gate. (Ignore)


And to RavenCad: Bullying is a different story. Sorry I can't provide a solution to your situation.

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And to RavenCad: Bullying is a different story. Sorry I can't provide a solution to your situation.


I'm not overly concerned with it anymore. The actions taken by HC have fixed the previous problem for now. If they resume, I'm told the punishments will be more harsh than a 3 day vacation.. I hope that doesn't happen, but there are some things I simply won't tolerate... :blah:

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