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Need some new pick ups for my guitar


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I really wasnt getting it on with my gretschs bigsby, and have wanted an s470 for a while, and add in the price the guy was asking, I sold the gretsch and I bought this. I really like it and it doesnt have that flat ass ibanez neck i hate. I Just need some new pick ups.


I tend to play with the bridge pick up 80% of the time, and use the neck for smooth leads and warm, harmonicky cleans. The middle i can live with for now.


Im looking for a nice colorful bridge pick up. I was using emgs and when i plugged them into my newest amp they sounded friking sterile. I am not looking for a really high output pickup. im looking for something suitable for classic rock and metal. Ive been playing alot of zztop, acdc, Sabbath, GnR, Van Halen, Satriani, Maiden, night ranger, and stuff like that.



and as for the neck pick up id like something that has really warm cleans and a lead sound sort of like the Sweet child o' mine intro.



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I have bought quite a bit from them. I have a strat with a crunchy rail. a tele wit ha crunchy paf and a lil killer, and I have 2 loaded gfs guards waiting to go into 2 project strats.

Check out guitarfetish.com

They have great prices, and I hear great things about their pickup values.

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You did say colorful right? ;)

Seriously though I think that you should go ahead and buy some Rockfield pickups. I've been reading all kinds of good things about them and am curious. You could be my little guinea pig. :thu:

Seriously, check them out. Another one to consider would be the toneriders. They've got some clips on their website and are probably going to be my next set.
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Seriously though I think that you should go ahead and buy some Rockfield pickups. I've been reading all kinds of good things about them and am curious.

I have a friend that also speaks very highly of the Rockfields, and he is one I trust about guitars. He is planning on getting one or two for his PRS Custom 24 in the near future.

I've also recently discovered BG pups, and I have to say I'm really liking them. I have an S90 in my strat style guitar now, and am getting a V60 single coil, and a Lizard humbucker to replace the rest. To my ear the BG pups have a bit more magic and depth to the sound than other samples I've heard.

Had I not found out about Bryan's stuff, I probably would have gotten a Rockfield Mafia.

Definitely at least listen to some of the samples they have. One nice thing about both of them is that they give you both clean and distorted samples. The Rockfield website has the best setup I've ever seen for hearing samples also, very slick. Of course do bear in mind that when you get the pups they probably won't sound exactly like the samples due to other electronics, different guitars used, and different players.. :blah:

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