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delux strat problem


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hi can anyone help me.i bought a fender stratocaster deluxe hss from a dealer in germany(musicstore)i live in ireland.i had the guitar for about one month and it developed a problem.when i plugged it into my amp,i only got sound when the selector switch was in position 1 and 5 with the s1 switch up, and in position 1, 3 and 5 with the s1 switch down.i contacted musicstore in germany and they arranged to have it shipped back.just before it went back the problem dissapeared(typical)they sent it back to me and said everything was fine with it,and since then the problem has come and gone twice,always the same way in that it cuts out in the same positions.

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If its new, its still under warranty and you can take it to a Fender authorized repair shop. I'm not familiar with the S-1 circuit, but it sounds like a wiring problem to me. Could be as simple as a bad solder.

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Fender should definitely handle it. If they don't, and you think it's the switch, I do see 'em on eBay from time to time. I see one there now for 37.50 USD... shipping to Ireland is listed as 11.95 USD.

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Thats right... Fender should fix your problem and I really want you to report back on whether Fender helps you out or not.


My recent experiences with Fender leave me less than optomistic though....


When my first EJ (Purchased last Feb. and taken to the dealer for service 6 weeks later.) needed a neck adjustment, Fender refused any service what-so-ever, despite the fact that the neck was obviously crooked straight from the factory, plus the job went into the hands of the local Fender Certified Tech.


Give em a try but it's nice to know that the dealer is willing to take the guitar back. I'd have returned it immedietly.

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