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hey bad monkey fans


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give one of these a try.... its like what a bad monkey would be if someone tore it down and rebuilt it to boutique specs/quality (actually its pretty much what it is, its digitechs high end line, and they sound pretty damn good :)).... and at $100 it wont break anyones bank :)




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when you handle the pedal you can see it was well thought out, well designed, feel and material quality.... its very rugged.... they are made in the USA

anyways, dont take my word for it, I suggest people go out and try some, they are really nice and dont cost too much money :)

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Tell me more about the delay/looper. And did you get it new or used...and how much?

I could just research, but I'm lazy...and want to hear realness about it.

I got it new, cost $185 (we have 14% tax here)....

its a really good delay pedal with multiple modes, tap tempo..... the standard digital delay modes are very good, nice and crisp.... but what really stands out is the analog/tape delay settings which have a lot of depth.... its very quiet, and it works very well in the effects loop of my amp.....

the looper function is very straightforward, step on it to record up to 20 seconds, once you lift your foot off, it loops endlessly.... the recorded quality is excellent, it works a lot nicer than the looper on my SMMH which to me sounds a little muffled in comparison, but is easier to use because its always on tap....

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I got it new, cost $185 (we have 14% tax here)....

its a really good delay pedal with multiple modes, tap tempo..... the standard digital delay modes are very good, nice and crisp.... but what really stands out is the analog/tape delay settings which have a lot of depth.... its very quiet, and it works very well in the effects loop of my amp.....

the looper function is very straightforward, step on it to record up to 20 seconds, once you lift your foot off, it loops endlessly.... the recorded quality is excellent, it works a lot nicer than the looper on my SMMH which to me sounds a little muffled in comparison, but is easier to use because its always on tap....



I read a little about it waiting for your reply. Does it have any other knobs or switches besides those 4 knobs on top?

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Alchemist, my Digitech Bad Monkey is better than any overdrive on the market including your Barber Burn Unit. The BM is the same quality as your BU, but at a fraction of the cost. You're a fool for spending that kind of money on the BU!


Oh, and thanks for the heads up on those new high end Digitech pedals...you gear snob. :thu:



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I have a BM too. I dig it. But if it could be a little better (I do have in my head what I do and don't like about it...and the new Hardwire version kinda hits on everything I think).

I just don't know if 100 bucks brand new is worth what I don't like about my Bad Monkey. :confused: Because I DO LOVE my BM.

I got my first TS9 and Bad Monkey at the exact same time in a trade...the BM is still here. :thu:

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^That's pretty much exactly how I feel, too. If I ran into one of these used for like 60-70 bucks, my opinion might change, though...

same here...It would have to be a helluva deal like that before I could make the switch.

The Hardwire monkey looks and sounds cool as {censored}...but I would have to stumble upon a deal right now before I could do it...BM works just fine for now. :thu:

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The hardwires looks really solid...the pro guitar shop review sounds good, just as good as many boutique pedals I've heard him do.


I noticed you got a Burn Unit - hadn't seen that on your board before! How is it? Have you by chance played a Direct Drive to compared? As a DD owner I'm just curious.

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my board is growing rapidly and nearing completion, I just ordered a T-Rex power supply, and I am buying a pitchblack tuner on monday.... then I gotta put my OD808 on there, wire the whole thing up and she will be done :love:

yeah I've played pretty much the whole barber line and thought they were all great pedals.... I liked the burn unit most because it just sounds like a really good overdriven tube preamp.... not really like a pedal, it has this openess and bit of bloom to notes, and responds more like an amp would.... pair that with a nice warm preamp and poweramp like on my mesa or Z and it sounds great..... though I can see it sounding too bright on some fenders.... I played it head to head with OCD's, Fulldrive, BB preamp, AC booster etc... and even though the latter sounded really good.... they sounded like really good pedals, the Burn Unit EQ's the way I have it now really makes me feel like I am just playing another channel on my amp....

comparing with the Direct Drive......... the range of the Burn Unit is really good, and I'm sure you could EQ them for similar tones (Burn Unit has internal trim pots as well), the burn unit just gives you more overall control with the dynamics knob..... I highly recommend the unit, but given that you already have the direct drive, I would suggest you check out a Small Fry, then stack them :)

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That clip sounds a lot better than my Bad Monkey. It does a nice job on the dirty channels of my Laney TT50 as a boost with the pedal's gain way down but the gain on the Bad Monkey doesn't sound nearly as good as that clip running into a clean amp with just the BM for dirt.

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That clip sounds a lot better than my Bad Monkey. It does a nice job on the dirty channels of my Laney TT50 as a boost with the pedal's gain way down but the gain on the Bad Monkey doesn't sound nearly as good as that clip running into a clean amp with just the BM for dirt.



I'll second this opinion as this is almost exactly when my Monkey fits in as well.


Currently I have guitar -> monkey -> silver dragon -> Laney LC15R


My amp gain is sitting around 7 right now and the Monkey just gives it a nice boost/eq change and then I can stack the dragon in for even more gain boost.


For a while though I was using the Monkey for dirt into the clean amp and really liked it that way as well.


I liked the clip posted but to be honest, I'm not sure it does much for me any more than a lot of other drives costing less. Does sound nice and look really well built but I don't know that that's something I'd spring a hundred for personally.

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