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Anecoic the band

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Considering how obscure this other band is, I wouldn't worry about having the same name as them unless they either played the same type of music or were in the same region of the country.



Selling on the internet establishes an international presence for purposes of trademark protection. At least that's the interpretation that I and many people seem to have. AFAIK that interpretation has not actually been tested in court yet. Anybody know differently?

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wow. the maturity level in this place is astounding.

If I liked the music I would remember the name. I like the name Anecoic (if that's how it's spelled) - sounds interesting, a little exotic, a little adventurous - I like all that stuff in the music I listen to. if "interesting, exotic, and adventurous" is how they want to be perceived then that name is successful.

As for marketing, it is established that interesting names are better than obvious names. How many bands and brands are just proper names? What in the world does the name Chevrolet have to do with cars for example?????? How does Sigur Ros sell out arenas????? What about this new chick Santogold???? How could she get popular with a name like that? If people like your stuff, they will enjoy trying to get the name right and will enjoy the name you chose and will enjoy telling friends about you and spelling out your name for them.


i concur

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