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What's your favorite Wah?


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Just wanted to post an update on this thread after my test drive of the Dunlop Zakk Wylde wah yesterday.

This was NOT what I was expecting based on what I've heard from Zakk over all these years. IMO, this pedal did *not* deliver Zakk's signature wah tone, period.

I tested it with a Les Paul w/ EMGs (since I'm also a LP + EMG cat) into a Crate Blackheart combo (only because I was curious--however, I was not impressed at all with this amp either).

Firstly, one of the main features on this wah is the adjustable clutch to set the "feel" of the pedal (treadle) movement, and right out of the box it felt really weird and unnatural to me. There was more torque/resistance on the heel side than there was on the toe side, which, IMO should be the other way around if not equal across the board. My thinking is that I usually have a tendency to accidentally turn my wah off when I get crazy with it, so it would be nice to add some resistance close to the toe-down position to help prevent accidental turn-offs.

In the heel down position the wah literally swallowed any notes that I played, making them inaudible. Think: the aural equivalent of a BLACK HOLE.

Granted, I know Dunlop supposedly voiced this wah for cats like Zakk who like to use dropped tunings (as do I), but even so, NO notes will escape the heel-down-note-sucking-gravity inherent in this unit. The second issue I had with its voicing is that that there wasn't very much of a pronounced, throaty sweep happening as I depressed the treadle--not like Zakk's past recorded examples, anyway. Hell, my Vox Clyde McCoy RI has a far better sweep range than this thing.

The wah tones improved as I neared the toe-down position, but again, how this pedal earned Zakk's endorsement as a "signature" item is beyond me, as it doesn't truly capture his dramatic wah tone.

And for the record...oddly enough, the wah performed and sounded better using CLEAN tones than it did when I cranked the gain. Go figure.

Just another lesson to be learned in this world of "Signature" products: Just because it has your hero's name on it doesn't automatically mean it has successfully captured the quintessence of their tone, so TRY BEFORE YOU BUY.

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