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Its Hamer Time! Cant touch This! NGD!!!


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Happy NGD with a unicorn on the back. I like that body style.



Yea thats going to have to come off. Just havent got around to it yet. Im going to take it off. Soak it in hot water for 5 minutes then peel it off. Any excess goop with be taken care of with diluted acetone. Will be like new!


thanks dude!

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So they went for much more than I thought they did! That explains alot with how good this guitar fills. What year would you say mine is? Do you know where there are any info on these on the internet? Would love to see it.

Yours looks very nice! Yours looks to be finish wise around 10 out of 10. Mine is around 8.9 out of 10. Still in great shape. I need to do some polishing to get some swirls out but other than that it is in great condition.

Damn I cant believe this is 1000 guitar. That explains alot.



Get some of this polish & cleaner and follow the directions and it will look like new.


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