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Everything posted by Zamfir

  1. Hey, does Thumper still hang out here?
  2. Originally Posted by Bonoman I love the fact that the commute to the new job only takes around 15 to 20 minutes, door to door. Longest time so far has been 22 minutes. Not bad, eh? Of course, now that I said that the subway will break down today and it will take me three hours.... Just my luck. {censored}er. I have a minimum of 35 minutes, assuming the subway drivers don't close the door right in front of me on the line-change, as happened today. Usually it's 45 minutes. I use the longer ride of the two to work on my reading skills in German. Got a book about former political prisoners under the Stasi. Just the thing to start my workday off on a bright, cheery note.
  3. Originally Posted by Super_Donut_Man Anybody hear about the Clear Channel layoffs. They axed a bunch of people in the San Diego stations. Normally, I don't like exulting in other people's job losses, but a) I gotta wonder about people who would choose to work for Clear Channel, and b) how can you not be excited that even Clear Channel, that purple Barney of radio,to wit, the antichrist, is facing rough waters with a possibility of going belly up?
  4. Originally Posted by Bonoman True 'dat, my brother. True 'dat. Horrible place to live for anyone with a working mind - that's why a majority of the population are retirees suffering from dementia. You have to be demented to want to live in FL after spending more than a month there. Well, something like 70 - 75,000 Germans live there, especially this time of year. Cloudy / gray as hell for six months... And I'm the one approving their six month pensioner vacations while I stay behind.
  5. Originally Posted by PiotreX we just came out of a three day -20C spell. -15C is when the boogers in your nose freeze after a minute. It's hard to breathe. Running is out of the question unless you want to shave your legs. you sweat, it freezes, your jeans break the frozen hair Yeah, last week bit monkeys. Granted, we're on the correct (warmer) side of the Oder, but hey. -8C for a high that Monday was uncalled for.
  6. Originally Posted by mrcrow Crow-san...your bridge scares me. Three notches for one string?
  7. Originally Posted by Roguetitan I wonder if any one has ever read every page on this thread I dunno about every page, but I bet I've come close...
  8. Originally Posted by PiotreX by damn, you're in the thread killer, what the heck were you expecting? Certainly not positive opinions of Maryland! My day is ruined...
  9. Originally Posted by Giddry I'M GOING TO MARYLAND TOMORROW! I'm really excited about it. This makes no sense.
  10. Originally Posted by Bonoman Can I ask why? I'm bringing this before a review board next week. It's a great book and the above quote is how the author has worded his synopsis. It's like a cross between a Tom Robbins and a Milan Kundera novel, with a little bit of John Irving thrown in for good measure. Easily one of the best I've read all year. What about the synopsis didn't you like? Or is it more of a genre thing? I want this guy to do well (because if he does well, I do well), so any advice would be appreciated... Synopses usually fall well wide of the mark, IMO. But that one does sound overly complicated. I don't mind the actual novel being complicated, but the synopsis makes the author sound, well, schizo. Boil it down - (1) what is the primary theme of the book, in one sentence of 25 words or less? (2) Why should we read it? IMO, Kundera is usually much more focused on a particular relationship between two or three characters, and then leveraging that for all it's worth in terms of historical context and philosophical insight, as well as flights of imagination. That focus is why he's so clean / deft in his writing ... I think.
  11. Please do not post lug's name in the Thread Killer, thank you.
  12. Originally Posted by niomosy Still, there's a difference between a handful of misfit fundies and Floriduh Sort of. I agree that Floriduh does not have a monopoly on misfit fundies. Btw, I highly approve of your use of the word "Floriduh."
  13. Originally Posted by fingeringam isnt depression just a big word for feeling "bummed out"? No.
  14. Originally Posted by Bonoman No. God no! *shudders* The biggest issue is that I'm Jewish and they seem to have a problem with that. Like, either they don't understand it, or they just don't care. Her sister is making a scrap-book for our wedding full of pictures celebrating our relationship and whatever, but on every single page she is putting a cut-out of a church or Jesus with a halo, or some such {censored} like that. It's really a problem for me. Not like I'm religious or anything, but I do identify culturally with the Jewish people and find the blatant disregard for that to be offensive. The main reason we're doing the Fat Elvis wedding in Vegas is because we want religion to play no part in our celebration for exactly that reason, but her sister and her mom just don't seem to get it. They still make anti-Semitic cracks at me, like how I must be the worst Jew on Earth since I'm so bad at saving money, and it's really a problem. I don't make fun of them for thinking that a dude (a Jewish dude, I might add) could get tortured and killed and then wake up three days later and ascend to heaven, so it really pisses me off that they're constantly either berating or just blatantly disrespecting me the way that they do. It's kind a problem. Kind of a big problem. If this is the way things will go for the rest of our lives then I will not have any children because I don't want them growing up in an environment full of such ignorance, and that sucks because I really want kids. So, yeah, this is a big problem. Red has spoken to them about it, but they either don't get it, or they don't want to get it because they continue to act in the same manner. Clearly, the solution is to get them all pregnant with a Jewish kid. You sure Red herself, growing up in that environment, has no lurking problems with your background? Nice to see Canadia has its fair share of intolerant fundies. See, you ARE like the States!
  15. Originally Posted by frunobulax did you do Red's sister/cousin/Mom? Better than that. He got all three pregnant!
  16. Originally Posted by Bonoman I have to figure out a way to get Red to ditch her family after we get married, because otherwise there are going to be some BIG problems... I'm just sayin'. ...because...?
  17. Originally Posted by Thumper Rehearsal rocked. We learned some new songs: ... Sweet Hitchhiker... Always wanted to do that tune. I just ran out of Grape Nuts for breakfast, so I had Nut Dust mixed with Cheerios. In other news, Rome is a pretty cool city for a long weekend's vacation. Not exactly a relaxing place, though.
  18. Originally Posted by Bonoman Apparently I somehow shifted from living in Canada to some third world dictatorship while I slept last night... Liberal Supporters Getting Their Brake-lines Cut Sadly, this is in my neighbourhood - one of the nicest in the city, I might add. I guess it really can happen anywhere. Kinda scary since I tend to vote Liberal, but not so scary for me since I don't have a lawn on which to post a sign advertising my beliefs. Still, this is a sick, sick world we're living in. ...I bet it's Randall (or whatever his name was), your shiftless neighborhood old-neighbor's-apartment-crashing homeless thug!
  19. Originally Posted by Incubitabus I no longer have a toenail on my right big toe... ...why?
  20. Originally Posted by Bonoman Her sister is skanky, but not hot. Very, very, not hot. Her real sister is okay looking, but not skanky, and honestly, I think she might be more than a little retarded. And I'm not just saying that to be mean. I think she's special needs. Red, however, does have some hot and skanky friends who will be at the wedding, if it makes a difference... As for the forum gigolo going steady, I don't know how to respond to that except to remind you that she once made me black out from a blow-job. You just don't give that kind of thing up, y'know? True...but if I'm gonna get myself into legal and financial entanglements (a/k/a marriage), I need more than a BJ blackout. (I know, you've thought about it for awhile, I'm just pokin' fun...) Originally Posted by Bonoman Any of you guys ever post on Fark? Barely enough time to post here and ebassist. Haven't practiced much in 3 months.
  21. Originally Posted by niomosy I foresee an elaborate plan in which Mrs. Z is somehow not involved in said trip to Vegas >.> I can think of no excuse that will cut the mustard... But I have 350 reasons not to go anymore. Still, meeting Bman and his bride would be no end of cool.
  22. Originally Posted by Bonoman Red's sister weighs about 350lbs. No, I'm not kidding. They're not related by blood, thank God, but still, I don't think Mrs. Z would feel overly threatened. Regardless, the best part about the wedding is that it will be webcast for anybody who wants to see it but doesn't want to fly out to Vegas, so... Hmmm... Maybe the first ever Live on the Bass Forum Wedding? Just a thought... And as for it being legit or not, I don't really care. To me, marriage is a piece of paper. I will love her no more the day after than I did the day before. I'm getting married because she wants it. To me it means nothing but a big party in Vegas. As long as it's legit in our hearts, isn't that really all that counts? Now waitjustadamm-minute. Didn't you tell me once that her sister was hot-skanky, and you'd give her my phone number? Anyway, at least I was warned well in advance, so I can beg off. I can't believe our forum gigolo has actually gone steady. Congrats!
  23. Originally Posted by Bonoman LOL Thanks. And I was serious about the invite. That goes for all the TKers. If you can be in Vegas for the weekend of July 25th, 2009, let me know. We're going party like its, well, 2009. But with Elvis and strippers and poker and breakfast buffets, and {censored} like that! Boo-yah! Congrats!! But if you get married by Elvis impersonators, how do you know the marriage is legit in the eyes of any state, let alone Nevada? Anyway, much as I would like to attend, the plane fare from across the pond is a bit steep. Plus Mrs. Z will probably not be amused if I talked to Red's allegedly skanky seester.
  24. Originally Posted by Bonoman People were feeling nostalgic for Yubby? That's kind of sick. In a flattering Yubby-liscious kind of way, of course. Seriously! I'm too lazy to search on "Yubby" to verify who else missed the yub, but I know I'm one.
  25. Originally Posted by monark I'm back for another delicious slice of history... Woo hoo! Clownface! Welcome back to your natural habitat.
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