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Everything posted by Illuminatus

  1. So I just found the the My Way/Sunrize single from Nami Tamaki, I almost have her whole discography now, just missing 1 or 2 more singles. Anyway, theres this pretty sweet power metally remix of her song Prayer on it, it's pretty sweet. Gay Thoughts? Yes :poke:
  2. check out teh oj, i posted some kool pics Alexi is dreamy
  3. http://acapella.harmony-central.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1754822http://
  4. i'm teh watching you !! ! 1 I said hi in OJ :poke:
  5. Caption the pic! I gotz you a fortune cookie, but I atedz it
  6. Have fun having nightmares for the next few days! I love redheads
  7. Youve been promoted, heres your badge KTS :poke:
  8. Gotta love the pedobear. Did you ever see when EFG killed pedobear? Epic. No, do show :poke:
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