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Everything posted by Illuminatus

  1. :love: Don't abuse your abilities. First warning
  2. Silent Hill 2 pwns all noobs to the power of 10. Best post all night
  3. Forums gettin slow, I may have to start a Pick Up Teh Pace thread
  4. Of who? Asuka? She's 14 you perv! ... ... Don't look at me like that!
  5. Is it wrong that I have a crush on Faye Valentine?? Pics???
  6. What do I win? How about a nice big cup of STFU
  7. I WIN!!! I AM THE LAST POSTER!!!!!!! n00bs non-included
  8. God wanted me to tell you that he wasn't up to snuff today. WINNAH!! I don't remember telling you that
  9. Looks right based on my minimal understanding. Neil could answer better than me though. "My dog is very cute." Right? Correction: "My dog is very tasty"
  10. The next poster gets my wad in his face........... Go ahead...add to my collection
  11. http://acapella.harmony-central.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1715051
  12. http://acapella.harmony-central.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1715037 Kill Teh Son get in here w00t
  13. http://acapella.harmony-central.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1715037 Ill be back, I lost my axe
  14. http://acapella.harmony-central.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1715037
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