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Everything posted by Kill_the_Son

  1. Who doesnt accept Goatse I willingly accept Goatse. Just look at this smile
  2. I have an announcement everyone... This is me.
  3. STF:oh Actually I'm not a real man... I'm actually a fictional cartoon villain told through scary stories to frighten children... but I then kidnap those children after they say my name.
  4. Batman?? I'm Batman... I always wanted to say that. Nope, not Batman.
  5. Watch and learn pirate bastards. Steal and Die! Ads may be nsfw. Hey there little girl with a sword, care to say my name?
  6. Pedo-bear in a costume Close... but not quite.
  7. ^Yuo aer teh n00b!!1! !!1 ...!!!oen1! How about you smart guy? If you win you get a free vacation... that never ends.
  8. tell me you're creepin me out I can't just do that, it'd be cheating. Plus if you said my name I'd have to kidnap you and then you wouldn't be able to post. You would be all like... "I know you! You're **********! Is it true that you're going to kidna" See, as soon as you say my name I kidnap you in mid sentence.
  9. no, but I would guess you're a Japanese pedophile and or / murderer I find that offensive... I actually kidnap little children whenever they say my name.
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