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Everything posted by groutt

  1. My father touched me that way once. To this day he still has to wear orthopedic shirts.
  2. Don't play dumb with me, you're not as good at it as I am.
  3. It's my trade mark. I'm like the wind: nobody sees me come, nobody sees me leave.
  4. Nobody can get the truth out of me because even I don't know what it is. I keep myself in a constant state of utter confusion.
  5. Is this Drive Around With Your Turn Signal Blinking Day? Did no one tell me? Or is it just part of Drive Extra Stupid Day? And where is that stinkin' I'm Crabby Today thread when I need it? Have a day.
  6. Originally Posted by Super_Donut_Man Just the way it was worded, it did not grab me, and I lost interest towards the end of the paragraph. Not saying at all that the book would blow hard, just the little intro didn't quite do it, and if I were in a book shop trying to find a new book, I would have probably just kept going down the line after reading it. If what you said is true (that its a darn good book) then I would say the synopsis does it no justice at all. That's what I was thinking too. But worded better. The synopsis makes me work too hard without giving me a feel for the book. If that is an exact copy of the synopsis, I think it has some confusing structure problems. ...and explains how the non-event of the Y2K Bug actually ended up saving the world. Find out the importance of making choices and how you should always read the signs... What's going on with that? Seems like the flow got all wacky there. But now I DO want to read it.
  7. Operators reduced power on Unit 1 in response to the potential loss of normal flow to the condenser due to the jellyfish influx on the traveling screens. Just thought you'd want to know.
  8. OT GIG SPAM... Live soundscape improv webcast in 34 minutes Please see sig - thanks
  9. Well yes indeed, here we are...
  10. band name: Malformed Request
  11. CLF/NSD CraigsList Find & New Strings Day My first craigslist deal. Someone almost in my neighborhood wanted to trade a set of strings for something camping/hiking related. Traded a camping cookbook for a set of new 50/65/80/100 rounds and a partial set of used rounds 70/85/105. Yay
  12. BigDog is the alpha male of the Boston Dynamics family of robots. And looks pretty funny trying to walk on ice.
  13. Mama talkin' to me try to tell me how to live Dadada dadada da da DA
  14. Our Roomba is supposed to be vacuuming, but I think it spends all day watching Tivo.
  15. Phrase Of The Day: It's not value added for me to care.
  17. Originally Posted by 82Daion Well, that didn't last long. I can cut back, but I can't cut HC off, apparently. We will not be IGNORED!
  18. History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man.
  19. I caught the cold/flu/whatever and I'm freezing, headache, 103.something fever, sore throat, and I hurt all over. But the bad part is I have the Patty Duke Show theme looping in my head. The fever must have kicked it loose from some dark forgotten corner of my brain. That's just not right. Hey, here it is. I'll share it with you.
  20. I learned my first real chords today. My daughter taught me a couple on the ukelele. Things are really going to start happening for me now.
  21. Bony Sequestra... BAND NAME!
  22. Originally Posted by Thumper Just got back from the dentist. Apparently I have a bony sequestra. Which is nothing more than a bone spur growing out of the jaw until it erupts through the gum. It hurt like a mad bastage for a week as the nerve was inflamed, but now the nerve is dead and I don't feel a thing. The tooth doc says it will eventually break free on it's own. In the meantime, it feels like I have a barnacle on my lower left molar gum line. Sorry if I shared too much. You've got a piece of bone poking out of your gum. What are you going to do about it? Nothing? Just ignore it??? What, like you think it's somehow going to get better on it's own??? Oh. It is? OK, never mind.
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