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Everything posted by ToeJamFootball

  1. Originally posted by niomosy You just might be. After all, on-topic is a no-no.. Wait. Most of the "on topic" stuff isn't bass related. Does that mean TK's an on-topic thread and to be off-topic we need to post about basses!? Or maybe it's just that we've our own unique style off-topic you are right maybe we should change the rules, when you say OT: it is an ON tpic thread
  2. i almost posted an On topic reply in the TK am i going crazy
  3. my baby lives on an alligator farm, doo do doo do do do do doo doo doo dooo dah doooooo!
  4. Moses used to sniff the lines, Noah used to rock the boat sometimes, Mary used to get undone, yeah, and jesus rode a harley davidson!! m/m/
  5. Originally posted by niomosy Nothing like the smell of some thread killing in the morning Speaking of TK... where's Bman? He's due for his randomly occuring visit, isn't he? true, havent seen that batman around in a while
  6. Originally posted by el_duderino676 I dunno, my ISP is pretty sucky, I don't think even the King could suck this much. I have to reconnect ~every ten minutes because of damned timout errors. that sounds like lug to me Suck, blow, timeout errors, hes got em all.
  7. yeah dialup does suck more than lug. then again he is the suckiest of them all, maybe lug is dialup and that is why dialup sucks so much, is suckiness has taken over the webernet, thus creating the worlds suckiest dialup
  8. oldivor = well that comeback sucked
  9. Originally posted by ToeJamFootball oldivor you have managed to stay 8 posts in front of me for long enough +1
  10. oldivor you have managed to stay 8 posts in front of me for long enough
  11. Originally posted by niomosy You've never seen Iron Chef!?!?!? It's a Japanese cooking competition show. There are 4 Iron Chefs: Japanese, Chinese, French and Italia The chairman (host/creator) of the show choses challengers (either requesting them or getting requests). The challenger gets to chose his opponent for the battle. From there, the chairman reveals the secret ingredient that must be used in all dishes made (usually a minimum of 3 dishes with up to 5 that I've seen). You get assistants, and plenty of other ingredients and supplies (top-notch stuff from world-class challengers here). You've also got only 1 hour to make all these dishes. They get a panel + the chaiman to taste and rate the two chefs then claim the winner. Good stuff. They've now got "Iron Chef America" with a bunch of Food Network stars as the new Iron Chefs and Alton Brown as the commentator (excellent choice, too). The host lacks the flamboyance of the Japanese host (though I thought I heard that they're related). The Japanese host was known for his guady and/or flamboyant clothing. I guess he was also a pretty well-known actor in Japan before Iron Chef and used the money to help start the show since he had a passion for good food and wanted to sample lots of it. As for Good Eats, different kinds of honey sounds like something right up Alton's alley. man, Iron Chef Blows, the only good part about that show is the comentary, when the people are translating, then they laugh, thats funny, but apart form that, it blows. IRON CHEF BLOWS!
  12. Originally posted by oldivor TV lugs so you don't watch the simpsons?? i love, i only flick the telly on to watch the simpsons, news, and Smallville
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