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Everything posted by ToeJamFootball

  1. Originally posted by T-40 Actually, I had cold pizza this morning. cocoa crispies... crazy americans!, these are called cocoa pops!!!
  2. Originally posted by oldivor Bacon and eggs my man, are better. And biscuits too!! thats true.
  3. Originally posted by oldivor I'm a cereal killer myself hey whats wrong with cearal!!! *continues to eat his wheat bix*
  4. Originally posted by niomosy Learned your lesson didja? yeah they are slow as hell, and my schlo whoops ive said too much,
  5. Originally posted by T-40 Are you saying donkeys can't have nice asses? That's kind of a biggoted opinion isn't it? A donkey can have a nice ass just like everybody else. theres no gettin rid of the smell though, might look good but they sure do stink!!
  6. Originally posted by T-40 That is one nice ass..... that's a donkey?
  7. Originally posted by SpaceGhost Have all the thread killers gone to bed? not for another three hours
  8. Originally posted by mrcrow you sure are confusing crowbar. hows life? still enjoying that hot P bass im sure...
  9. Originally posted by mrcrow hacha hai muxtsa ouf oda was!!!
  10. mmmmm, got a link for the first one?
  11. Originally posted by mrcrow youre picture wont load for me
  12. Originally posted by Thumper Yep. Don't even think about an on-topic post (i.e., bass-related). The mods will have your spleen on a stick and your nuts for a necklace. geez man you're pushin it.
  13. strangled caged left alone, doin time in a broken home, feelin left to die, im a product of your troubled ways, you made me what i am today, now your asking why?, WHY!? oh! lifes misunderstood me, so i close my eyes and dream of better days, oh!, lifes misunderstood me, lifes not always fair, lifes not always fair, or so they say restless sould deep inside, im searching for some peace of mind, livin just to die, im an angry man, i always have, had to fight to survive my past, sign of those times, life!, its misunderstood me, time!, lets a reckless soul fade away, lifes not always fair, lifes not always fair, or so they say.
  14. Originally posted by oldivor lol If I saw someone with a knife coming at me I'd shoot them dead. In MGS one head shot gets them No head shot = 4 or 5 body shots. Although shooting them in the crotch is fun and one hit kills them. it would want to.
  15. Originally posted by Zamfir I ate maccas for 6 months in Bucharest because I couldn't get the university apartment repair slacker to give me a fridge that worked. (He brought two more that didn't. I didn't let up until I had the third that did. ) Then again, McD's in Europe was routinely better than the slop they serve in the States. But I've noticed I often feel sluggish, gross, and generally out of sorts after eating McDonald's. i live in australia
  16. Originally posted by Zamfir Seriously, I hope you bring a healthy brown bag lunch with you to work instead of taking them up on free meals? Your body will thank you... i will be from now on, i didn't even think of it this way [slaps forehead] ive been eating nothing but maccas for a long time, guess thats the end of that. well it was an experience anywa
  17. Originally posted by Zamfir Not true!! Toe Jam has been eating too many free french fries...dehydrated, can't think straight, arteries will clog any second. {censored} man your scarin me
  18. Originally posted by Thumper (puts on kevlar boxers and runs like Hell...) bwhahahahahahahahah!!!
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