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Everything posted by isaac42

  1. This is why I started this thread. Do you think that we will see even more ads than before? It's already bad. Not necessarily, but the price of ads might go up, leaving only those with deep pockets able to get their message out. Or there might be more ads, having much the same effect.
  2. It's troubling to me that the Court feels that corporations and similar entities should enjoy the same status as individuals when it comes to political spending. This has the potential (IMO) to turn political races into contests of who can get the most corporate support, completely shutting out the voices of the electorate. In short, he with the most money wins, and corporations can now be legally regarded as "he." This, and that money equals speech. Corporations having the rights of people and money equaling speech are, in my opinion, the two biggest hindrances to government, of the people, by the people and for the people.
  3. Most of those in disagreement with the current administration (and its would-be successor) are more in a mind to "Love it and stay here and fight for it". You bozos are once again making the absolutely incorrect assumption that most people who disagree with this administration and the Republican / "conservative" agendas do not love their country. We do. That's why we're upset. And that's also why we're going to win. Edit: I don't mean to lump you into that crowd unfairly, chubrocker, but that oh-so-typical "love it or leave it" attitude from the far right totally misses the point. Exactly. As Mark Twain put it: "Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it."
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