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Everything posted by niomosy

  1. Just got out of a meeting. It sucked. :poke: Though I really don't use Facebook either. My family keeps trying to get me to join. I have some fake name I used just to go on there but I never really use it. Hell I used MySpace more at first. Then I realized that these things are pretty much just lame and gave up on the idea.
  2. Does she fix a lot of Korean food or is it pretty varied? It comes in bunches. She'll go to the Korean market and load up on food so we end up with Korean food for a fair bit of time. Then it jumps into something else. Fortunately, the Korean markets are pretty large so she picks up a lot of stuff from there for all kinds of foods. Our 4yo daughter will devour a lot of Korean food as well which tends to promote the idea of eating more Korean food. I get burned out on it at times... or at least parts of it. They've got a lot of variety at least so I can look to other dishes to mix things up but we don't always have ingredients for them.
  3. She quit cookin a long time ago. Didn't forget how, just did. Mine cooks pretty well. I know she won't stop since cooking > eating out / take out. At least as far as diet and wallet are concerned and she's heavily concerned with wallet impact. That and let's face it, she actually likes cooking most of the time. She still wants to start a business related to cooking in some way. Actually she was planning to attend the Cordon Bleu at one point but practicality got the better of her.
  4. Old dogs can forget tricks... :poke: She can also forget how to cook And she's a good cook, too.
  5. Congrats! Here's a tip: The first time you change her diaper, do a really bad job. Like, get poop everywhere. You'll never have to change another one again. This is baby #2. The wife already knows.
  6. Back from vacation. Got a souvenir. 8lb. 1oz. 20" long, baby girl. Baby and mommy are doing well and the little one just hit the 4 week mark the other day (I took 4 weeks of vacation). So now I'm back to work... aka the vacation from my vacation
  7. Um... Did I miss something? I know the forum was down for a while, but I've been killer busy and haven't had a lot of free internet time (new job, married life, sick grandmother, etc.). So, what's going on? Who migrated to eBassist and why? I hate when I miss the internet drama... HC's trying to upgrade their forum software so some new software. At least a handful of HCBF members have made accounts on ebassist to post there in preparation for the potential suck of HC 2.0. The beta was reported to be rather lousy.
  8. Wow, with the somewhat migration to ebassist, this TK looks like it's been a little neglected.
  9. Egg and spam Egg, bacon and spam Egg, bacon, sausage and spam Spam, bacon, sausage and spam Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam Spam, sausage, spam, spam, spam, bacon, spam tomato and spam Spam, spam, spam, egg and spam Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam. Baked beans are off.
  10. 2 more weeks and Nioette #2 arrives And I get to keep tabs on Nioette #1, keeping her out of trouble and whatnot I sense some trips to Guitar Center in the near future to kill some time
  11. I wonder how many more attempts at 2.0 we'll have? I wonder how many more attempts at 2.0 we'll have before they decide to try another route?
  12. Arms are in moderate pain (feckin gym). Opening doors and buttoning my pants have now become a struggle. Your arms shouldn't be hurting that badly. Maybe... ???
  13. He posted a thread about different kids of Poop, including artistic renderings. A ban for that? That's pretty weak.
  14. TK 2.0, now with enhanced featu.... Well, no. But it does have the capability of helping you boost your post count on another forum!
  15. Linux has some ECC support, how strong it is, I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure with some chipsets if can give you the module etc that's having it. Don't quote me on it though. I can completely see where you're going from with the Sun/IBM example though. It's all on them whether it be a hardware or software. If it doesn't work you only have one person to go to and they have to fix it(assuming you have a plan/contract/etc with them). I've never had a problem with Firefox not properly displaying a page or anything else. Maybe I'm the odd man out though. My Linux desktops do everything I want them to do. I don't think they're lacking in anyway. Naturally, Linux doesn't have all of the programs windows has but there are other programs for Linux that like them. Sort of like OO and Office. Sure OO can do a lot that Office can but it's not the same piece of program. For my uses OO does everything I want it to including opening Office files etc. I sometimes get irritated with people when people say stuff like, "I don't like Linux, it's not Windows." They're different OSes with most of the time different software, no {censored}. lol I'm just used to working in Linux so it's the most familiar to me. I'd much rather set up stuff on a Linux box than to use Windows just because I'm used to working with it. When ever I use windows now I always end up swearing at it. haha I'm not saying Linux is the best OS for all desktops and servers but for my purposes it is the best. Well, Linux servers do support ECC memory, but the OS really has nothing to do with that. I've yet to see ECC memory errors that were logged to the Linux OS. I might find them in the hardware logs of the server, but the servers and the OS don't really talk to each other that well which creates the problems. If they can work on that and integrate that some more, that would help things. I've had Linux set up before. It's certainly much easier than in '95 or so when you were running a config tool for X windows to try and get things set up, then having to tweak things so you had the window manager you wanted, etc. etc. I was actually pretty used to Mac's for a while. I was building loads of them for one company that was buying up a good handful a week. Got pretty used to installing the OS and getting all the software on that they wanted. Still don't care for the OS, though, even if I can still find my way around decently enough. Linux is kind of the same way. I'm pretty used to both Gnome and KDE yet I still find Windows easier than those or OSX for that matter. Everything's where I want it for the most part. I can never get Linux or OSX to quite look the way I want whereas I can with Windows. The other thing that really tops it out for me is that all the apps I like are basically Windows-first, possibly Windows-only, or at least Windows-best (like Firefox). So it ends up that for my computing needs, Windows is the easiest of the bunch. I know how to work with the OS and it has all the software I want. There are other apps out there for Linux in most cases. In some, they're insufficient and possibly even incompatibly with the MS equivalents (Project and Visio comes to mind, though I think they're finally getting the Visio-type app along better). OO isn't bad, but I come across a fair number of spreadsheets that don't work with OO, only Excel. And then, there's some tools like Irfanview which Linux has many alternatives for, but none of which are as good. It's not that I don't like Linux as a desktop. It's not bad. I just feel it needs some more work. Linux has come a long way from where it was but it seems like they're always playing catch-up. In a way, that's fine. Let Linux hang around such that MS feels a bit more pressure to do more as well. I have no problem with that.
  16. I love it on my desktops. I like it on servers too. =P Yeah, but that's when you don't have to support it on things that host all kinds of websites and applications that your customers are using. Linux isn't necessarily that bad an OS. The real problem comes in using hardware that just isn't designed to be a 24x7 data center server. On top of that, the error logging just isn't there. Memory problems? Linux isn't likely to detect ECC errors like AIX or Solaris will and it if manages to, the likelihood of me getting the specific memory slot is pretty low. The hardware and OS aren't from the same vendor so the tie-ins are weaker. Then, of course, you get into finger pointing when the hardware vendor says it's an OS problem and the OS vendor says it's a hardware problem. If I'm dealing with IBM, the problem falls to them regardless. Ditto Sun. On the desktop, Linux is functional but still lacking. Firefox is pretty good but it still has problems on many sites that Firefox on Windows doesn't have issues with. That and the alternatives for some of my favorite tools just aren't quite there (Irfanview comes immediately to mind). Not to mention the number of spreadsheets I look at that don't work with OpenOffice fully (particularly advanced ones that pull in web content). I do continue to use Linux as a secondary desktop. To be honest, I'd probably be more functional running Windows... as a Unix Admin. Yet I stick with Linux since I really don't feel like having a corporate image thrown on my other desktop complete with corporate software bloat and such. Yet even with that, I find myself using the Linux desktop far less than I used to. Windows is easy at work. My email is there. My office instant messenger is there. I have Exceed installed for X Windows access and I use putty for ssh. At home, I really have no use for Linux other than for skill enhancement for work. I game and really don't care for any of the solutions thus far to run Windows games in Linux. Given the time spent, I'd rather just use Windows. The laptop is Windows as it's a backup gaming system if my desktop takes a dump. That and it's normally my web surfing system and, as I mentioned earlier, certain sites just don't work as well with FF on Linux compared to FF on Windows.
  17. Now if you use Linux, then you can drink the rum straight from the bottle. You'll have to, too. It's the only way half the {censored}ing commands make sense Linux as a desktop is meh. As a server, I'd rather use a real Unix OS running on more reliable hardware. Give me AIX or Solaris any day.
  18. It's the spousal unit's puter. That said, I've always had to d/l service packs for every version of Windows, and it's never been much fun. Windows patching has always been a very lousy process. Install this. No, you can't install that until you install the other thing. That's done. Reboot. Now you can install these things. You can't install those things until these things are installed. Reboot. NOW you can finally install these things. Oh, and reboot.
  19. Updating Vista service packs on the spousal unit's computer...not so kick ass. Heh. Yet another reason I'm happy to remain on XP Pro until I put together a new computer and throw Win7 on it.
  20. epic thread is still epic. Pshhh. This isn't epic. This is legendary!
  21. oooooo...all the time I spent on newsgroups... Newsgroups were good times. Shame a lot of ISP's just don't want to carry them anymore
  22. Originally Posted by Zamfir ...old fart geek snob... I had e-mail in '89. Take that. Hey, I had email in '89, too! Okay, so it was only for that given BBS, but still! Didn't really get internet access until... '93? Even then, it was good old text-based. I still remember the fun of newsgroups and whatnot back then... and using a shell on a Linux box (or BSD or whatever) to do this stuff
  23. ...I been doing emoticons since 1992...young whippersnapper... Damn straight! I think it was '92 for me as well. Good old BBS days. Actually, I take that back. It was '89 with a friend. Didn't get my own computer until '92. Friend gave me one to use for a while then we went out and bought one.
  24. I learned that if you are dressed too much like a hoe at a football game, you will be asked to leave. Some chick wore a jersey, thong, and boots, on the day of yest. In other news, 10 minutes to free taco lunch. Had a free lunch. Italian. Not too bad but I'm gonna need an extra couple days at the gym to make up for it On the plus side, I did win a $50 gift card to a steak house near my house. So... that's almost half off our meal!
  25. As an IT manager who is currently hiring, I dont give two poops about certs and having them will make me grill someone even more on the technical bits at the interview phase. A shame more managers don't do this.
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