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  1. "3/2 is 1. Not 1.5, but 1. This is what I was actually taught by one of my maths teachers, who is a Dr of Particle Physics, you even get taught his theories if you do a doctorate in Physics, but yeah, 3/2 is 1, because you always give the answer to the same amount of decimal places." I understand the logic, but by my calculations 3/2 is 2, not 1. Because you would round up removing the decimal places. I believe your teachers logic is flawed as well as his math. People who are confused and want to understand - put the formula in an excel spreadsheet and change the number of decimal places to none. Here: Just make it 3.0/2.0 = 1.5 and tell your teacher you need to be more precise...lol
  2. Too bad my thousand dollars also equals -2000 dollars, so you would then owe me two thousand. Tell you what, I'll take your thousand and I'll see what it equals.
  3. Now, it can be argued that 1=2. 0 x 1 = 0 0 x 2 = 0 So than this must be true: 0 x 1 = 0 x 2 Similarly: 0/0 x 1 = 0/0 x 2 Simplified, 1 = 2 By this logic every number equals every number..... 0 x 5 = 0 0 x 7 = 0 So than this must be true: 0 x 5 = 0 x 7 Similarly: 0/0 x 5 = 0/0 x 7 Simplified, 5 = 7 So I'll give you 1 dollar and you can give me a thousand and we'll call it even.
  4. I think a ring box with a pick in it, is a great idea. Another idea would be a nice capo in a box and see if the person could figure it out...... Or an electronic tuner if there isn't one in the guitar. You didn't say if this is a family member, friend, or someone you're in a relationship with. So, without some more info, like gender, the ideas have to be a bit generic. Good Luck
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