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Brian Krashpad

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Everything posted by Brian Krashpad

  1. Shredtilurded/shred 'til you're dead. I hate to admit this, I'm such a dumbass. I've seen your monicker countless times and that never registered.
  2. Well, hell, dude. This is all you need right here! Just turn yr head off and rock it. There ya go! OP is way ahead of the game being in a band. That's a huge blessing to begin with, and the older you get, the more rare it becomes.
  3. Remember to teach him one, or learn a fifth chord yourself? Haha, Double E nails it again. I must remember to do things in order!
  4. That's so awesome Krash, I wish my kids were more into playing music. They're still young so I haven't given up on the idea. Don't want to push it them, y'know? Fwiw, that is what I have found to be the best way to go. Be a "facilitator," but not necessarily an instigator. There is some history in the Krashpad family tree for doing things that way. My dad was a career naval officer, and picked up acoustic instruments in his world travels. He would bring them home and told us kids (there were a lot of us-- I'm the oldest of 3 boys and two girls) that whomever learned how to play them would get to keep them. As a result, both I and my brother learned to play guitar. I still have my first acoustic, a no-name MIJ from the early 70's, that he gave me. I also have a banjo he gave me, even though I only know a few chords on it. Since I recently picked up an acoustic-electric mandolin, the one that Krashpad, Sr., lent me a few years ago is being returned to him. As for the kids, la Krashpadita started out wanting to play drums. I scrounged up a kit for her but being a lousy drummer myself I couldn't help her much and she didn't like the materials I brought home from the library. We're in the process of lending her kit to a local percussion studio so other kids can learn to play on them. As for bass, I showed her some scales and she took it from there. She's to the point where she can look up tab online and teach herself songs. Apparently she played some at Vacation Bible School over the summer where she volunteered as a youth leader. El Krashpadito knows about 4 chords on guitar. Just last night he asked me to teach him another one, so I need to remember to do that.
  5. Hey man, I'm 55 and I still rock the house with regularity... I play classic and oldies rock, some country.. whatever.. The young kids crap themselves when they see a 55 year old that can rock as hard or harder than they can Its all good .. Enjoy your guitar. Branch out a bit to give yourself more options. Picking up a cheap bass and learning to be a decent bass player is always good. Its gotten me more work thats for sure.. Just enjoy, and find guys your age that like to play your kind of music... Metal was NEVER a big money maker on the local club scene.. Not as much as other forms . Its harder to be a metal guy on a local level I would think, if you are looking to work, but there are plenty of metal heads your age that love to play it still. EVERYONE gets old, ugly, bald, whatever... Part of who we are. As the Who once said in a song... "Pick up my guitar and play-Just like yesterday,then I get on my knees and pray" bob Definitely agree about picking up bass. I did about 19 years ago out of necessity, but it's a lot of fun and bassists are definitely often in more demand. Plus, a person who can do both is often in more demand than a person who can only do one or the other! Currently I'm trying to expand into playing mandolin. First time I ever played a song the whole way through was at a church praise band rehearsal, the next day I played it in front of 300 people. Have played one song per service on mandolin for the last month or so. Learning an instrument by playing in public performance right off the bat isn't necessarily the best way to go about it, but it's working for me. As far as getting together with other people your own age, as far as I'm concerned it's all good. The guys in my side band (in which I'm currently the bassist, we've gone back and forth between a trio and 4-piece) are my age, but two of the guys in my main band are only 19! It's like that Nike ad used to say, "Just do it."
  6. Double your sons' allowance. Haha, see the Strat in the avatar? His sister has already got her first bass, a couple weeks ago, a nice Peavey USA Foundation. The family that rocks together... um... well... rocks together!
  7. Krashpad all right, or love is blind...... Eh, eh, sorry, I couldn't resist!!!!!! Haha, no worries! I think both are probably true. Here's el Krashpadito at one of his first shows, a small festival I played in 2007: Here's us:
  8. OK its the big 40 next year and I think maybe I should start listening to MOR and playing 'proper music' on my grown up guitar. Last year I bought a Jackson Kelly (pointy black explorer) and was enjoying it until I caught my reflection in the window at night and realised that maybe I should have stopped playing guitars like this back when I couldn't get away with wearing tight trousers anymore! I should point out that I look my age, have no hair on the top and I'm a fat bastard. Thing is I'm a dyed in the wool Metal player and I was either having a mini mid-life crisis or just missed rocking a proper Metal ax. I'll never stop playing the kind of music I do cos its in my blood, but I'm now conscious of having a bit of dignity and not being an embarassment to everyone:lol: {censored} that! Signed, An Embarrassment to Everyone PS-- a few weeks ago I asked my 12-year-old son something or other about my hair or clothes or guitars or something being too young for me or something along those lines. His response: "You're never too old to rock!" Yep, he's a Krashpad all right.
  9. OK, there you have it. Scout, pay the man. Don't whine about him whining or spamming or anything else. Then we're done, and everyone can stfu. Kai thx bai.
  10. Haha, thread excavated. Outstanding, gentlemen. Hopefully Mazi will see this and give y'all your stripes. However, he is often out on maneuvers. In the meantime, ROCK on! BK Kommandant, Punk Rock Expeditionary Force, MBM
  11. I'm ready, man! I won't have to go through boot camp will I? No, but attendance in the School of Hard Knocks, or graduation from the Kay Keyser College of Musical Knowledge is required!
  12. I've been a fan of the Beatles, Stones, Dylan, etc. etc. etc. for all these years. I'm in if you'll have me! As long as you swear to bring the ROCK! Now that Mazi's back he'll be by with your stripes. BK Kommandant, Punk Rock Expeditionary Force, MBM
  13. geez I remember these being sold used in music stores for about $120 or so. But no....I had to but a Kramer Stryker. Like G&L's I just find it hard to get excited about T-60's, although I will say they are fine quality instruments. They're not naturally sexy visual designs, I think. I personally had a soft spot for them because an acquaintance of mine on the very early local punk scene had a white one and eventually settled on T-60's as his guitar of choice. People tend to get more fanatic about their ease of play and the wide range of sounds you can get out of them, as well as their indestructible construction.
  14. They are ugly and the case smells really weird. But, to be honest, when i bought mine in 1981, T-60s were actually way better than what fender was selling back then. I had a late 70s tele that was utter garbage. The neck is very thin. The metal nut is not that great. the electronics are primo, but they sound bad if everything is dimed. You have to turn down the knobs a little to get the sweet tones. My natural ash one is a PAF slab and it weighs alot. I have a white one, too which is later with contours and it is as light as a strat. Doesn't sound as good because the pickups are different. I like the ones without blades. I don't find them ugly, obviously totally subjective. The necks are thin. Not all had metal nuts. The tonal difference you reference is that you like them in humbucker mode, rather than singles after the coil-split kicks in. This is consistent with you preferring the toastertops to the blades, as the toasters are somehwat warmer and the blades somewhat brighter.
  15. Brak, I do think you got one thing inaccurate in the first post - the painted ones are Poplar, not Alder, according to the good folks at the T-60 forum. Never had a Poplar axe before, but my Black T-60 sounds mighty fine... As Dave also noted, sfaik this is correct, poplar not alder. I actually own/have owned a number of poplar guitar besides my balck/maple T-60. Currently, my Fender Tex-Mex Tele Special and my Peavey USA Predator are both poplar, and previously I had a 90's MIM Fender Strat that was poplar. Sounds very similar to alder, only downside that it can have greenish streaks, thus it's use in solid-color painted guitars (my Tex-Mex Tele is sunburst, I'm guessing it has a top laminate of something over the poplar)
  16. how do i know if i'm in or not? Mazi is frequently out on SEARCH AND DESTROY MISSIONS in order to SAVE THE WORLD for ROCK N ROLL. Because sometimes a little DESTRUCTION is required before the BUILDING UP can begin! Mazi will come by and issue your STRIPES eventually. However, do NOT WAIT for that to happen! Go forth and ROCK N ROLL! Your membership and LIFELONG FEALTY have been provisionally ACCEPTED! Commence action as you see fit. The goal is simple: GLOBAL ROCK N ROLL DOMINATION! BK Kommandant, Punk Rock Expeditionary Force Mazi Bee Militia Someday, after your stripes, may come this!
  17. Paging Mazi, paging Mazi! As usual, I believe Mazi is out on maneuvers. But rest assured your pledges of fealty are appreciated and will be rewarded! ROCK ON! BK Kommandant, Punk Rock Expeditionary Force Mazi Bee Militia
  18. ... Ok, people with lots of tech driving me crazy and linking bad words to my guitar playing using bad words brianwashed into me that make me link sounds and rythms to music as I play... The Punk Rock Expeditionary Force disavows any use of "brianwashing" techniques on third parties. I take showers myself. Brian Krashpad Kommandant, Punk Rock Expeditionary Force Mazi Bee Militia PS-- I want some of whatever Doug is on. Troops, make it so!
  19. Second, and most importantly, ALWAYS show some love for the bartenders and waitstaff. Sliding some extra cash toward a bartender usually means extra potent drinks. To the waitress/ waiter it usually means faster service. Above all, while rocking hard... be safe. Get a damn cab if you need one. I may save your life. As a former waitperson/bartender/food service professional, I must AGAIN note the RECTITUDE with which P-Head speaks! Forego an extra drink and spend it on your tips. You will BOTH be BETTER OFF at the end of the night! I shold note that after attending the show on last night's MISSION, I had a lovely repast in the student union, and that, just in case, my BICYCLE was in the back of the ROCKMOBILE so that I could return to my abode for the evening SAFELY if such was necessary! Outstanding P-Head! Well said all round! BK Kommandant, Punk Rock Expeditionary Force Mazi Bee Militia
  20. I am hitting the four seven next week, and I got carded late last year while attending a Gary Hoey show. She thought I was about 30. No word of a lie, the hot looking bartender says to me, ''I've been watching YOU. Most of the guys come in here and play air guitar. You come in here, put your hand on Gary's monitor and get the place jumping. It's like you are almost praying.'' I said to her, ''What the hell did you expect? It's not often that someone like Gary Hoey lets you stand 5 feet in front of them and sail the same groove they are playing. Try doing that at an arena or a stadium show. It ain't gonna happen even if you are paying huge bucks.'' FELLOW MILITIAMEN, my brothers and sisters! TAKE NOTE! WHEN your BELIEF is TRUE, your ROCKITUDE will be EVIDENT and allow you to CHAT UP potential target persons AT WILL! ROCKITUDINOUSITY can imbue YOUR VERY BEING with a LIFE FORCE ENERGY belying advancing years, or CONVERSELY, make you appear WISE and KNOWING if you are in fact a callow youth! OUTSTANDING, P-Head! Commendations and salutations to you! Over and out, BK Kommandant, Punk Rock Expeditionary Force Mazi Bee Militia
  21. Can I join too? Well, that sig line about "Rock N' Roll for life" certainly looks promising! As is so often the case I believe Mazi is out in the HINTERLANDS saving THE WORLD for ROCK AND ROLL, because THAT is how Mazi ROLLS. I myself am in rest and recuperation mode after a MISSION just last night, where it appeared I was the ONLY PERSON IN THE BAR who knew that "Pirate Love" was a cover originally done by the HEARTBREAKERS! On the upside,the song was being ROCKED by 4 lads who weren't even BORN when that song was originally written and recorded. Which gave me GREAT HOPE for the next GENERATIONS of ROCK AND ROLL! PLUS, for the first time EVER I got a chance to SEE and HEAR the semi-rare ROBBEN FORD Fender GUITAR that one of the kids was ROCKING. BOTH guitarists had BLOOD STAINS on their GUITARS! And, despite being a month from hitting the big FOUR-NINE, I was somehow CARDED buying beer. What's UP with that anyhow? Your pledge to help SAVE ROCK AND ROLL is provisionally ACCEPTED! Mazi will be by with your STRIPES! BK Kommandant, Punk Rock Expeditionary Force Mazi Bee Militia
  22. BK, as always, my greatest thanks to you for setting the ASS KICKING, HARD ROCKING bar as high as you do, and for always being there for the MBM. ROCK ON MB No worries sir! As Ben Franklin reportedly said, "If we don't hang together than we will surely all hang separately!"
  23. Heretic and Jedi: Mazi is out on an important Mission to Save ROCK and will be by shortly to officially give you your stripes! I have provisionally accepted your allegiance and you will temporarily be attached to the Militia pending stripage. BK Kommandant, Punk Rock Expeditionary Force Mazi Bee Militia
  24. This is what Rock and Roll looks like, and don't anyone ever forget it: It can also look like this. If you prefer things on a slightly larger scale.
  25. About bleedin time we got some wimmin around here! Outstanding! BK __________________ Kommandant, Punk Rock Expeditionary Force Mazi Bee Militia
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