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Everything posted by Giddry

  1. I just worked my first 13 hour day of the week...two more to come. (The next two days) One word for you all: BEER
  2. Yeah, my pup has gotten MUCH better at being housebroken. Especially since we moved to the new house.
  3. My puppy is NUTS!! He's currently running around in circles.
  4. Originally Posted by chunky-b It's a Southern thing, you wouldn't understand. http://www.urbandictionary.com/defin...m=turd+floater I believe it actually has something to do with cow pies floating off when the pasture floods. Similar to a "gully washer" or "raining cats and dogs"... oooh gotcha
  5. Originally Posted by Zamfir Oh hey, congrats!!! What a great feeling graddyation is. I used to know some theater-types who would've killed to land your job right out of school. Thanks! This is just my summer job. I've got a gig lined up at Lincoln Center when I move to the city in the fall!
  6. Originally Posted by Zamfir What kind of job? I thought you were a student? I just graduated! I work at a theatre. I'm a technical director/shop foreman/scene designer. It's muscle and grunt work sometimes but hey, I get to use power saws!
  7. First real day of work today AND my first paycheck...woot-a. Jinkies I'm tired...
  8. I've been a couch potato all day long. Other than walking and playing with my puppy I've been loafing around switching between all day marathons of Meercat Manor and Deadliest Catch.
  9. I think my puppy has a stomachache...
  10. Originally Posted by Zamfir Not me. Just wait til s/he sticks his tongue on a pole! What kind of dog do you have? He's a corgi and he's just about 10 weeks old.
  11. Puppies apparently like ice cubes...who knew?
  12. I have an incredibly painful knot in my left shoulder...*sniffle*
  13. Originally Posted by el_duderino676 Sounds like you need to find a richer team to support. Haha, I'm a diehard Pirates fan...I couldn't abandon them even if they burned down my house. Okay, maybe if they burned down my house.
  14. Originally Posted by niomosy Sounds like they need to buy a new pitching staff? Yeah, except that we have one of the lowest budgets in baseball.
  15. Originally Posted by t3ch Get outta here you dirty steeler fan! I'm talking baseball here...Steelers have nothing to do with it.
  16. Confession: I am a HUGE Pittsburgh Pirates fan. I'm watching the first game of the season (which I've been pumped for since pitchers and catchers reported MONTHS ago) and I'm about to cry...we had a 5 run lead and they tied it with only ONE legit hit... *sob*
  17. Originally Posted by Captain Fathead Girls fart? Did you move to NYC yet? No I haven't moved yet. I won't be moving til September.
  18. Originally Posted by el_duderino676 Don't you know that fast food makes girls fart? pssshhh...that's a lame excuse boys use to keep all the fast food to themselves!
  19. I just ate 4 krispy kreme doughnuts. When someone said "HOLY {censored}!" I said "What!? I bought 12!" (I'm BACK!)
  20. Originally Posted by Thumper The last few days have been interesting... Mrs. T got the results of a recent biopsy (she checks out ok).... Harley mixes it up with a couple Pit Bulls (he's fine)... I've developed an abscessed tooth (can't see the dentist until Wed. pm.)... I know trouble comes in threes, but dang... Since the other two checked out okay let's hope that good luck also comes in threes.
  21. I'm watching "History of the Joke" on History Channel. It's not as funny as I thought it would be considering Lewis Black is hosting.
  22. Thanks for the advice on the spoon but it was ill advised. The reason that I was using a mug for cereal in the first place is that all the bowls and spoons were dirty. And YES they make peanut butter pops (YUM!)
  23. So, I'm eating peanut butter pops cereal from a mug. I got all the milk out but now I can't get the few remaining cereal bits out of the bottom. Feel the pain!
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