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Everything posted by kulardenu

  1. Whew that is $25 away from making me do something stupid...
  2. Snark Clip-On Chromatic Guitar & Bass Tuner $9.25 free ship
  3. Guitar Center Has Akai Headrush E2s for $99.99!!! So cheap! I just picked one up at my local store That is a good deal! Got one Price matched at M123 for 93.09. I have the Boss looper but not in love with it...
  4. If you use Firefox, install the PriceBlink add-on, most of any site's available promo codes will be viewable by clicking on the Coupons button: THANX!
  5. I should have jumped on the Korg - Kaossilator Dynamic Phrase Synthesizer for $49 but already have one... I balked but would have made a great Christmas present.
  6. This is true for CNCing cylinder heads, surgical parts..etc but go listen to a handwound pickup next to cnc pickup and chances are you'll like the sound of the hand wind better. And if not go with the what you prefer. Many players know and hear the difference..It's not Jedi just use your ears. But then again I'm no expert according to so many of you guys. I only make a few 1000 of pickups a year and take about 10 a year back in exchanges. Ask guys like Atrox or Quarter who builds some of the best guitars around how consistent my handwounds are. It's just not me there's lots of great winder who make very consistent handwound pickups. I have no doubt that you do make a superior pickup at this point & time. And I do so much prefer a world where a Jedi such as your self is at the top of the game. But I am afraid that we have created a manufacturing monster in China by greedy capitalists that have unleashed a storm over the west. Now that they have the upper financial hand and are building state of the art facilities we are on a very old road that Rome built into oblivion. And we will hit the end of that road sooner than later...
  7. There is no way hand manufacturing is going to meet the quality & consistency of well engineered & computer controlled, CNC & threading machines. Your going to start seeing pickups of very high quality mass produced & affordable product all over the place soon. Of course there will be some that still swear by the work of the Jedi but it will be a dying religion in the near future.
  8. Here are some eye openers from The Secrets of Electric Guitar Pickups. Some pretty interesting observations for sure: To be precise: A pickup does not "have" a sound, it only has a "transfer characteristic". It transfers the sound material that it gets from the strings and alters it, every model in its own fashion. For instance: Mount the same Gibson humbucker on a Les Paul and on a Super 400 CES: you will hear completely different sounds. And the best pickup is useless when you have a poor guitar body with poor strings. The basic rule is always: garbage in - garbage out! Seems all I ever hear is people talking about the resistance in this pickup or that pickup. Seems to not be the major deal after all. And even the cable has significance. I would not doubt that tone woods do have an effect on what is reproduced by a pick up as well. A point always discussed here. There are some books that deal especially with electric guitar pickups. They pay much attention to the resistance and the magnet materials. But the resistance is the least interesting magnitude of all. And statements like "Alnico 5 sounds like this, Alnico 2 sounds like that" are completely misleading. Many "pickup experts" have never heard the term "inductance". What you find in those books is an obsolete "geocentric" view on pickups that will never work. The integral "heliocentric" view on pickups: Pickup, pots in the guitar, cable capacitance, and amp input impedance are an interactive system that must not be split up into its parts. If you analyze the properties of the parts separately you will never understand how the system works as a whole. The sound material a pickup receives from the strings is not flavoured by the pickup alone but by the complete system. This includes the guitar cable. Another cable, another sound! This is a shame but it is true. You can easily check it up. A few pickup manufacturers know that fact but they conceal it. The majority seems to be totally ignorant. And where is that Tonestyler guy? Basically, there are three different ways to change a guitar's sound as it relates to pickups: 1. Install new pickups. This method is most common, but also the most expensive. 2. Change the coil configuration of the built in pickups. This is possible with nearly all humbucking pickups. Normally, both coils are switched in series. Switching them in parallel cuts the inductance to a quarter of the initial value, so the resonant frequency (all other factors including the guitar cable being equal) will be twice as high. Using only one of the coils halves the inductance, so the resonant frequency will increase by the factor of the square root of 2 (approximately 1.4). In both cases, the sound will have more treble than before. Many humbucking pickups have four output wires - two for each coil - so different coil combinations can be tried without having to open the pickup. Some single coil pickups have a coil tap to provide a similar flexibility. 3. Change the external load. This method is inexpensive but can be very effective. With only a little expense for electronic components, the sound can be shaped within wide limits. Standard tone controls lower the resonant frequency by connecting a capacitor in parallel with the pickup (usually through a variable resistor to give some control over how much the capacitor affects the pickup). Therefore, one way to change the sound is to replace the standard tone control potentiometer with a rotary switch that connects different capacitors across the pickup (a recommended range is 470 pF to 10 nF). This will give you much more sound variation than a standard tone control Changing the frequency response with different external capacitors parallel to a pickup coil These rotary switches are commercially available now, handmade by the author, embedded in epoxy resin Rotary switch with a selection of different capacitors, embedded in epoxy resin Also, adding an internal buffer amplifier can isolate the pickup from some of the loading effects of cable capacitance, thus giving a brighter sound with higher resonance frequency and higher peak. The table correlates some well-known pickups and their electrical characteristics. However, note that pickups are not precision devices and that old pickups in particular (eg. Fender and Gibson pickups of the fifties) vary so much that almost each one sounds different from the next. Thus, the values of the resonant frequency in the table are rounded to the nearest 100 Hz. Also note that peaks become very flat and large below 1,000 Hz. As the height of the resonance peak depends on the external load resistance (volume pot, tone pot and amplifier input resistance), lowering this load (e.g. by switching resistors in parallel to the pickup) lowers the height. For raising the height of the peak, the load resistance must be increased. In many cases this is only possible by installing a FET or other high-impedance preamp in the guitar. Bet they have this in Chinese too!
  9. I know one thing they are building more state of the art factories in Asia than America so them pick up winder machines are likely pretty nice these days. It's not like these Asian Farmers are using fishing fly tying spinners for a hobby. This is serious industry that will become a major force faster than you can say New World Order. Everyone used to look at Cheap Japanese Transistor Radios with disgust. Well look at em now! And Frets is nothing like us. Ever seen that stache? And BTW "There are no $4000 guitars" But in the late 70's I did once sell a 1/2 drank warm 48 OZ bottle of some "Vintage" Fanta Red Creme Soda one night to a stoner for $45. I wonder sometimes if he ever learned a valuable lesson over it?
  10. Work and time cost money too. And all the classic handmade guitars in the first half of the last century never went for that much money even factoring in inflation. And a example of this is the PBS Antique Road Show simply TV Evangelism of the worst kind leading Lemmings to the slaughter. Don't give in to the madness.
  11. Gospel? No. Common sense? Yes! Paying that much for a guitar borders on commercial hysteria and mental illness. And your right there are a lot of people who feel different. But that does not make me wrong & them right.
  12. What a {censored}ty thing to say. Who are you to judge what people spend on their instruments? Plenty of people spend a lot more on their hobbies, classic cars, boats jet skis, snow mobiles. And for many, playing music is more than just a hobby, but more like a way of life or for some, a career. And a $4k guitar that gives you a lifetime of playing enjoyment, creates great music and ends up as an heirloom is a good investment IMO. Whereas a $400 guitar that you play occasionally for a year or two, then sell at a 50% loss - not so much. You don't have the money or don't want to spend it? Fine, but don't judge others if they do. There were a lot of stupid posts in this thread, and I wasn't going to add to the flaming, but yours took the cake. I just had to say something. To the OP - glad you're finding your love for that guitar. It's a beauty. There are no guitars worth $4000! Unless they are made of precious metals or stones and even that is a stretch... As for who am I? I.M. Kulardenu & U Know It!
  13. What is an adequation? My wife's an English professor and she's never heard the word, so I actually looked it up. The word doesn't exist. If you're going to insult our choice of words to describe things could you please at least insult using words that exist? I thought everyone heard of that word? I think my wife's lawyer used it, in as I was not providing the proper adequations on The Pompatus of Love it was going to co$t me more...
  14. So you're calling this guy an idiot then? In a nutshell yes! Especially if he's not happy with it. This is a good lesson on economics though.
  15. Absolutely. That's why they are standard in all $4000 guitars now. EG Wow just pull the cork out of your nose & breath, it may clear your head! There are no guitars worth $4000. There are idiots that pay 4k for guitars but they have no standards.
  16. I'd definitely give the Dream 180's a shot. Why not? They are cheap enough to experiment with. I have played a guitar with the Dreams in and liked them better than the Burstbucker Pros I have in my Gibson. Remember great tone is only good in the head of the ear-holder.
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