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NGD- Goin' to Baja...


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Got my (used) Baja Tele today.


I picked it up on Ebay for $400 delivered. Seemed pretty good, the pickups were replaced with standard MIM and the bridge was junk but that is why it was cheap. Body and neck were listed in excellent condition.


Here is the rub...the neck it perfect, the body looks great but has some issues:

1. the bridge was screwed in with Drywall screws so my new bridge screws are now too small

2. one of the pickguard screws and one of the control plate screws is stripped.

3. the jack is not the tele standard but a 4 screw plate like an LP...


I can fix 1&2 pretty easily and I knew this was a project but I am annoyed. #3 I can't really 'fix' as there are now 4 new screw holes around the jack....


I could use some advice here....Overall the guitar is great, the issues above are not really deal breakers for me but I am kinda pissed about the issue...


What would you do? Debating contacting the seller..??


Oh and I already ordered new Pickups from Bryan @ BG pickups.....


Here are the picks, looks pretty good huh?

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They are never quite what we expect. I would just enjoy the new ride.

Congratulations and Happy New Guitar Day!



Yup, 5 minutes after posting this I came the conclusion that I need to take of the skirt and pickup up the guitar....


I assume some toothpicks and wood glue are all I need for the stripped out screws...right?

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Yup, 5 minutes after posting this I came the conclusion that I need to take of the skirt and pickup up the guitar....

I assume some toothpicks and wood glue are all I need for the stripped out screws...right?



Yep and the jack plate I would just leave as is. It's an improvement from what Fender puts on there.

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Honestly, that's why I do not buy much from ebay anymore. Just too much garbage like that. However, for $400....even with a few minor things like that, you still have a nice guitar at a great price. I'd be bummed, too though....hope you enjoy it!

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HNGD :thu:

Nice project. You can get hardwood dowel at most hardware stores. Just get the size you need and a drill bit to match. After you glue the dowel in cut off flush and touch up the end with fine sand paper. Be as good as new. No one will even see then unless there looking.

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