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I`m so relieved...

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I was stressing about upgrading to Waves 6 Gold Native Bundle. I have Version 3 but after I got my G5 about 4 years ago, I never updated my Waves plugs. I thought it was going to cost me another $900 which is what the bundle cost me in 2000 when I purchased it at an AES convention for a discount price. After much hesitation after hearing peoples nightmare stories, I finally called Waves today to make sure the online quote I was getting from their site was true and it is! To upgrade to Version 6, it`ll cost me $200. I`m so relieved. I love these plugs and I was really afraid it was going to cost me some serious $$$ ($900 is serious to me!) to get back into the game with them. Have had several mastering and mixing projects come my way lately so the Waves will come in handy. Now I just need an iLok. Staying positive with this...

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That's really good news, so far. That's a big chunk of change you avoided having to shell out.


I love the world of plug-in architecture, but the flip side, of course, is that I never had to worry about my (hardware) distortion pedal remaining compatible with the rest of my stuff.

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Just downloaded Waves Gold Native Bundle V6. Now I`m upgrading DP. I was using V4.61 for ages. Now I`m excited about getting up to speed with "modern technology". I`m just getting my studio setup up to speed now that production has started for my next collection of songs.

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