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B-52 AT-112 Combo amp?


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Anyone ever try one of these out? My friend has a B-52 tube head that sounds pretty killer so I thought these would be worth looking in to. Anyone have any experiences with them? $359 shipped for a nice tube combo sounds pretty sweet to me!

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i have the b52 at 100 head its amazing i can get alot of great sounds out of it cant say much about the clean channel since all my guitars have super high output pickups but i did plug my friends strat into it for a few minutes and it was pretty good. i found it at a pawn shop for 300

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Clean channel is amazing and versatile.


Gain channels don't sound good unless you're using a ton of dirt. Turn the gain down and you lose all of the bottom end, they're also extremely bright. If you're doing some heavy chunka-chunka stuff, you'll love it.

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I tried one of those combos once and I loved it. Sounded awesome. Like the most perfect hi-gain I ever heard. Then I read that they tended to get really hot. So much that people were trying to figure out ways to mount a cooling fan on the back.


$359 is a good deal, as when these were released, I think they used to go for around $550 or so...

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Well I believe the new models have fans installed in them to eliminate the overheating that was inherent of the older models, not sure though.



I just don't know if I should grab one of these or something like a Classic 50 or other tube combo. I want something versatile.

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I have one. It really does sound good and is more versatile than you might think. Yes new ones have fans, it seems to not get any hotter than my other amps. Probably made in China, but the build quality is surprisingly good. Very heavy duty (and heavy!).


I think one weak spot is the reverb tank...I heard they break during shipping. The one I bought had a barely perceptable reverb, so I returned for a new one and have had no problems whatsoever.


It is bright, but has a contour control and some sort of low end resonance control. Therefore you can get it tweaked if you take your time. I had a spare speaker so I took the stock one out and put in an Eminence Wizard as an experiment. It smoothed the top end out a bit. Then I put the B-52 speaker in another amp...it is a very good huge magnet speaker (as is the Wizard).


I paid over $500 a year or 2 ago, those new prices make me sick. Oh well.

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Well I just ordered it! I figure if I don't like it I'll just return it to Musicians Friend and try something else. Shipped for free since MF has free shipping on heavy items right now. Now I just have to play the waiting game :D.

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